Page 15 of Landen
“I had notthought of that.” She called up the invoice and keyed in somenumbers. “Don’t you have someone waiting for you inLondon?”
“Like agirlfriend?”
“I was thinkingmore like a wife and family.”
His eyebrows arched.“You think so little of me?”
“I don’tknow you.” She reminded him.
“And whosefault is that?” He asked reproachfully.
Pushing away from thedesk, she came toward him, her slow, seductive walk firing his lust.Bloody hell! he thought as she closed the distance between them. Hewas going to kiss her, but he had to.
Leaning against thedoor jamb, he kicked the door shut.
“What are youdoing?” She demanded.
“Something Ihave wanted to do since the first time I laid eyes on you.”Clamping his hands on her arms, he drew her inexorably toward him.
“Don’t-”Her protest was cut off as he seized her lips. Her hands came up topush him away, but instead, she curled her fingers into his jacket.
Landen rubbed hishands up and down her bare arms soothingly, his lips softening as hetried to persuade her to open her lips to his.
An electric jolt wentthrough his body when she did, her breath touching him and lighting afire inside his loins that was burning its way throughout his entirebody.
He coaxed her lipsapart, his tongue darting inside her mouth. His hands drifted to herneck, where he clamped his hand around it, feeling the pulse beatingwildly against his flesh.
She melted into him,her slender curves fitting his body as if it belonged there. Drivinghis tongue into her mouth, he gathered her closer to him, not caringthat she could feel the raging evidence of his arousal.
A moan escaped her,and her fingers tugged at the lapels of his jacket as she saggedagainst him weakly in complete surrender.
Dragging his lipsfrom hers with almost superhuman effort, he bent his forehead to hersas he took a deep breath.
“I thoughtEnglishmen are supposed to be cold and detached.” She whisperedshakily.
“How manyEnglishmen have you been with?” He asked huskily.
“None. Rumors.”She tried to move out of his arms, but he held her against him.
“Let go ofme.”
“Not until youadmit this is not just a one-sided deal.”
“I havework-”
“No.” Heshook his head, a determined look stamped on his face. “That’snot going to work. Come back to my place.”
“I can’t.”
“Can’t orwon’t?” He tamped down the impatience with incredibledifficulty.
“You woulddeny us both?” He asked incredulously. “After what wejust experienced?”
“It willpass.”
“Tessa-”Tilting her chin up, he forced her to look at him. “This is notgoing away.”