Page 18 of Landen
“It’s atradition that has been working for centuries.”
“And one youhave to follow through with
“I happento be the heir to a fortune. Our family has a history with thethrone. And the bloodline is always impeccable.”
“Hence thedistasteful tradition of incestuous marriages in the distant past.”
“Precisely.”Turning around, Landen faced his friend. “It is myresponsibility to carry on the tradition, and like I said, the youngwoman is of impeccable bloodline.”
Jackson gave him aninscrutable stare.
“Are you tryingto convince me or yourself?”
“Myself,”he acknowledged. “I received a call from my father last night.I only answered because he was calling so late -” He wasreferring to the time difference. “It must be an emergency.”
“Was it?”
“No.” Agrim smile crossed his lips. “It was a reminder that my timewas running out, and they were eager to announce my engagement in thepapers. It was also a subtle warning for me to remember who I am andthat not one slightest hint of scandal should not be attached to theChapman’s name.”
“You are agrown-ass man.”
Landen lifted a brow.“That does not mean a bloody thing.”
“It means youare old enough to make your own choices.”
“You wouldthink that.” Shoving his hands into the pockets of histrousers, he shrugged. “Disobeying them is tantamount todeclaring a cold war.”
Chapter 4
“Hey, Tessa!Phone call for you.” Genny called out to her.
“Would youexcuse me?” Tessa asked, smiling at the client she had beendiscussing the painting with. “I will leave you in the skillfulhands of Genny.”
Hurrying into theoffice, she picked up the receiver.
“This isTessa?”
“Your voicesounds even sexier over the phone. How is that possible?”
Her heart took a diveand started racing. She had not seen him since the opening andwondered if he had lost interest. “Landen, I thought you hadgone back home.”
“Missed me?”
“No. I managedto complete a lot without your constant interruption.” Sittingon the side of the desk, she prepared to speak with him for a fewminutes.
“Liar.”He teased. “What has my favorite American girl been up to sincethe last two days?”
“Working. You?”
“Just visitingfriends and thinking about you. Today is Friday, and I look forwardto seeing you tomorrow. Would you like to come to my place, and wecan leave from there?”
Tessa could not stopthe smile from coming. “Nice try. No.”
“You arebreaking my heart, sweetheart.”
Her heart turned overat the endearment, even though she told herself it meant nothing.