Page 23 of Landen
Stepping out as soonas the doors slid open, he walked over to the double doors and swipeda card. It led them into a sunken living room with hardwood floors.
“What aspectacular view!” She exclaimed, rushing toward the toweringfloor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city. Coming up behindher, he took the bag from her and placed it on a table at the side.She stiffened slightly when his arms came around her waist, and hebrought her up against him.
Taking a deep breath,she tried to concentrate on the view, acutely aware of his lean,muscular body against hers.
“You should seethe view from my bedroom.”
“I think I willhave a drink.”
“Really?”He teased, his mouth feathering along the curve of her gracefulneck.
“It’safter midnight.”
“Does itmatter?” She asked shakily, closing her eyes as he continuedhis descent down her neck. Untying the string, he kissed her shoulderand moved his hands to cup her bare breasts.
“Landen-”The moan escaped her when he cupped her breasts, his thumbs andforefingers rolling the rigid nipples.
“Are we goingto stay here?”
“No.” Hishands drifted to her shoulders, and he turned her to face him. Thefront of her dress was down to her waist, and he felt an electricshock going through him as he stared at the upward tilt of hersurprisingly generous breasts with the nipples already hard aspebbles.
Swearing beneath hisbreath, he swung her into his arms and strode out of the room. Movingalong the passageway, she saw pale silk walls before he came to thespiral staircase. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she buried herface and closed her eyes.
“We are here,”he whispered, shoving the door open with his foot. Lifting her head,she was shocked into silence as she stared around the ample spaceentirely dominated by a bed set on top of a dais.
“Holy crap.”She whispered, staring around the luxurious room with the sunkenfloors and walls made entirely of treated glass. He was right. Theview from his bedroom was much better than the one in the livingroom, and she could see the city's lights from where they werestanding.
He nodded. He wasstill holding her in his arms, and her dress was still bundled aroundher waist. He could feel her nipples branding his chest, and the fireinside his loins that had been slowly kindling was spiraling out ofcontrol. Marching over to the bed, he climbed the steps and set heron the side of the bed, eyes drifting over her breasts.
“Don’t!”He said sharply as she lifted her hands to cross them over herexposed flesh.
“You are sobeautiful. Lie back.” When she did, he sat on the side, hiseyes roving hungrily over her face. “It seems as if I have beenwaiting my entire life for this moment.”
Lifting a hand, hebrushed back her still-damp hair that she had tried to dry with thedryer she had brought.
Shifting to her feet,he removed her sandals, his long fingers running up and down hershapely calves. “I am afraid we are going to be all night.”
“Is thatconfidence I hear?” She asked shakily. His fingers werestroking and caressing her knees and edging up her thighs.
“Possibly.”His eyes held hers as he eased her hips up so that he could take offher dress. His eyes flared as he stared at the minute lace coveringher. “Bloody hell,” he whispered hoarsely. Getting to hisfeet, he took off his clothes.
Chapter 5
Her eyes stopped athis chest, and that was all it took for the heat to rise at analarming speed inside her body. His body was long and lean andreminded her of a panther.
Dark hairs weredusting on the rippling muscles that bunched each time he moved.
Averting her gazefrom seeing him tugging at his belt and removing his trousers, sheturned her attention to the spectacular view before her. Sheconcentrated fiercely on the city's twinkling lights.