Page 44 of Landen
“I am sorry.”
“Why?”She asked huskily. “You didn’t do anything.”Turning her head, she gazed at the man who had come into her lifeunexpectedly and turned it inside out. “I was holding out forsomeone suitable.
My siblings keptsetting me up on these blind dates or urging me to go out with one oftheir colleagues, and I did it to please them until I realized that Idid not want to anymore. I want a family with a man I love and didnot want to settle for anything less.”
“What are yousaying?” He asked hoarsely.
“I wantednormal, and then I met you.” Her eyes shimmered with tears.“You came into the gallery and headed straight for me, and themoment I saw you, that was it.
My senses screamedthat I should stay away from you, that nothing good would ever comefrom being with you. I am not one for casual sex, and at first, whenyou approached me, I was amused.” The tears were trickling downher cheeks. “Now the fricking joke is on me.”
“Tessa-”he started to reach for her, his heart breaking, but she held up ahand.
“Just let mefinish. I am in love with you, irrevocably and head over heels inlove with you, and there is no going back for me.”
“I feel thesame way,” he told her quietly.
“Then we have aproblem.” Lifting a hand, she wiped away the tears. “Yourfamily will never accept me, and I am not certain I could live mylife with you, knowing they don’t.”
“I am notletting you go,” he told her tightly, pulling her into his armsand snuggling her against his chest. “No matter what.”
Chapter 9
They pretended likecrazy that they were a normal couple. Since that night of frankrevelations, they have never brought up the topic again. He wouldcome to the gallery and laugh and chat with the patrons. He wouldbring coffee and pastries with him for the staff. Everyone knew theywere a couple, and neither cared that they did.
He was her ‘youngman’ and made it plain that he was into her. No longer did hestay back, afraid to touch her. At first, she had been hesitant abouthim hugging her when he was in the gallery, but he had brushed thataside.
They would go out ondates. He took her to fancy restaurants where he was treatedcourteously and respected due to his station. Waiters and maîtred’s would bow and scrape whenever he appeared, and his air ofroyalty and power was so obvious that there could be no doubt aboutwho he was.
As if he were awareof her nervousness during those times, he would charm her withhilarious stories that would have her laughing and relaxing.
In return, sheintroduced him to her ‘life’. She took him bowling whenhe told her he had never enjoyed the sport. To her infinite disgust,he caught on so well that he beat her several times. She also tookhim to local restaurants, where he was required to eat with hisfingers.
They were aware thatthe time was whizzing by and wished they could do something to slowit down. He had not said anything to her about his impendingdeparture, but they were both acutely aware that time was running outfor them.
As if that wasimprinted on their minds, the lovemaking took on a passion andintensity so potent that it seemed to be searing their souls.
They decided to stayat his place two nights before he was due to leave. She hadconsidered introducing him to her siblings but realized there wouldbe questions she did not have the answers to.
She insisted oncooking for him.
“We could orderout.”
“No. I want to.This might just be” Shaking her head, she turned away, but theyboth knew what she had been about to say. “Besides, I have nothad a chance to practice my culinary skills since you have beenhere.”
He had smiled atthat, the movement not quite reaching his jade-green eyes.
He had to leave. Twodays ago, while Tessa was at work, his parents called to remind himthat he was due home. “There are things to discuss and for youto deal with. We have given you four weeks, Landen, and you hadbetter do the right thing and come home.”
The warning had beenclear. Come home, or we will send someone for you.”
He had to leave, evenif it was just for a short time. Even if it’s just to tell themfirmly that they were no longer allowed to rule his life. He had toldTessa that they had places all over the world. They could pick oneand go and live there. She might be carrying his baby, and there wasno way he would leave her to carry out that task alone.
His heart quaked atthe thought of what his parents would say when they discovered thathe had ‘fallen from grace’ in their eyes. So, he hadveered from the course they set for him and had fallen for awonderful black woman who made his blood sing and his pulse race.
She made him happy.She was intelligent, feisty, and independent, and he was proud ofher. So, according to them, what if she was not the right color? Theywere bloody living in the twenty-first century, were they not?
So, what if she wasnot from a so-called right family and she was not British? He lovedher, and his happiness was supposed to come first.