Page 49 of Landen
“Then comewith me.”
“What?”She blinked at him.
A light suddenly cameinto his eyes. “Come with me, darling. I have a flat in Londonwhere you could stay. Think of this as a vacation.”
“I cannot dothat.”
“Why the hellnot?”
“Will you beintroducing me to your family?” She saw the truth in hisexpression.
“I did notthink so. You are well-known in your country, and there is no waysomeone would not find out that I am there. Your father had a heartattack, and you don’t know how serious it is. I would not wantto be the cause of him deteriorating even more.”
“I want youwith me.”
Her smile wastremulous. “And I want to be with you. But you need to do this.Your family needs you right now, and it would be selfish of me tostop you from fulfilling your duties.” Her hand lifted to cuphis jaw. “Make love to me, darling.” She whispered. “Putyour stamp on me.”
“Happily.”He drew her to him, bending his head to kiss her forehead, then hercheek and the tip of her nose. He was so gentle, his touch soprofound, that she felt like crying. When he brushed his lips againsthers, she turned into his arms, her lips parting to accept histongue.
The kiss becamedemanding and urgent, his mouth moving on hers with a ferocity thatshe echoed. Their bodies melted into each other’s heartbeats,becoming one as the reality of his leaving her hit them full force.Dragging his lips from hers, he kissed her neck and used his tongueon the hollow of her throat.
When his mouth closedover the rigid nipple, she moaned, her body responding fiercely. Hesuckled gently at first and then increased the rhythm, pulling thepebble-like hardness into his mouth as if he could not get enough ofher.
By the time he hadtransferred to the other nipple, she was a mass of pure nerves, thesensations shooting through her body like liquid flames.
“Now!”She gasped, clenching his hair into her fists as she tried to draghim up and over him. “Please, Landen. Please.”
Letting go of thenipple, he climbed on top of her, driving into her with one longstroke until he was embedded deep.
His hands clasped herface, his fingers trembling. “I love you,” he whisperedfiercely as he started to move. “I love you!” He criedout, the thrusts becoming more urgent and demanding until they wereboth lost in a sea of tormenting passion.
Chapter 10
He did not allow themto sleep. His lovemaking ranged from tender and slow and thorough, somuch so that by the time he entered her, she was writhing with a needthat surpassed anything she had ever experienced before.
And then it was roughand feverish, as if he was trying to brand her with his body. Or washe trying to make good on his promise to plant his seed inside her?
They were up at firstlight because his pilot was waiting, and a car had been dispatched totake him to the private airfield.
“Stay here.”He urged. “This place belongs to me - to the Chapman’s-”
“No.” Sheshook her head and could feel the tears threatening. “There aretoo many reminders of you here. I would not be able to sleep.”
They were out on thegrounds where her car was. The driver was five minutes away, and theywished they could freeze time.
“I leftsomething for you inside your case.”
“You’llsee.” His eyes roved over her face as if trying to memorize herfeatures. “You need sleep.”
“Whose fault isthat?” She asked shakily as she touched her hand to his face.“You need a shave.”
“I will do thatwhen I am en route.” His hands cupped her face, and his beadbent to hers.
“Don’tgive up on us,” he whispered against her lips. “I amgoing to call you every chance I get.”
“You hadbetter.” She warned him huskily.