Page 9 of Landen
But he had beendetermined to do this, and now he was pleased he had made the trip.He had not been in touch with his friends yet. He was also planningon going to his club while he was here. He had told her that he wasacquainted with Jackson.
With a chuckle and ashake of his head, he pondered that he had name-dropped Jackson justto impress her. It was something he approved of and an action thatwould have made his family cry, but he did not regret it.
He was also astoundedat how much she had impacted him. When the sign caught his attention,he had been walking along the boulevard on his way back from a quaintlittle tearoom a few blocks away.
The moment he steppedinside the place, the setting caught his attention, and he saw her.She had been talking to someone and had turned her head to the side,and he had caught a glimpse of her profile. That was when he hadasked to speak to her.
He still could notbelieve she had propositioned her. Draining the glass, he put it onthe table next to him and spent the next few minutes remembering herflawless complexion, the way she looked when she smiled.
Shaking his head, herose and made his way toward the kitchen. He did not know one end ofthe stove from the next but did not want anyone in his space. He hadtaken this trip to figure things out, and that was what he would do.He would now have to factor Tessa into his plan, but that would bethe trip's highlight.
“I figured thatsince today is a brand-new day, I would have more success getting youto feel sorry for me and let me take you out.” He saidjauntily. This morning, he had been so excited that he had spent tenminutes deciding what to wear. He had finally picked out tan trousersand a thin green cashmere sweater.
“I happen to benew to this country-” He stopped and grinned as she cocked atapered brow at him.
“Well, I'm notexactly new since I have been here several times. But I am still aforeigner. I would think you would want to sell your country tome.”
“Are you planning on moving?” She admittedshe was pleased to see him and hoped he would return.
“I just might.What do you say?”
He let out abeleaguered sigh and stepped forward to stand beside her. “Whatif I paid you?” He shook his head with a chuckle at her furiouslook.
“That came outcompletely wrong.”
“I would say itdid. Care to rephrase?”
“Absolutely.”He said sincerely. “I am rich-”
“Okay, that’sit. This conversation is over.”
“Please-”Snatching at her arm, he stopped her from leaving. “I am notusually so daft. It must be because you are the most beautiful womanI have ever seen, and I feel like an awkward schoolboy.”
She eyed himskeptically. “More lies.”
“I happento be telling the truth.” He still had his hand on her arm.“What if I purchased another painting?”
“Have you hungthe one you bought yesterday?”
He shook his head. “Iwas hoping you would come over and show me the best place to putit.”
“You arenothing if not persistent.” She said with a sigh. “Thereis a showing tonight-”
“And you wantme to be your date. Afterward, we will, of course, go back to myplace. We make love, and then in the morning, I order breakfast, andyou hang the painting for me.”
Tessa could not stopthe smile from curving her lips. “You are good.”
“You have noidea. Do we have a date?”
“You areinvited to the opening and nothing else.”
“I am going tokeep trying.”