Page 24 of Weeping Roses
However, when I saw the naked man standing in the doorway, I swear my entire body reacted. I have never seen a body like his in my life. Muscles danced on muscles and strained against more tattoos than I ever seen. His chest hair was more than expected, and I longed to press my lips against it. His cock danced before my eyes and caused me to shut them immediately, because how the fuck would that work? There is no way in hell that would fit and I know because my vibrator is more than enough for me and it’s a third of the size of that. My eyes water just thinking about it and now that he’s pressed behind my naked body, I can think of nothing else.
I want to know what it would be like with a man like him, and I made my decision almost immediately. This will be my one chance in discovering something unique and then tomorrow he will leave and I will never have to see him again. It’s one night only and I am more than up for the challenge and so I keep my protestations to myself and look forward to enjoying the ride.
He presses light kisses against my mouth and the scuff of his stubble grazes a trail across my delicate skin.
I am drenched in desire for this man and I couldn’t say no if I tried.
His strong hands are caressing parts of me I never knew could react in this way and I moan unashamedly as he spins me around and captures my lips in a bruising, deep, soul shattering kiss.
Like the one in the attic, it’s intense and I waste no time in kissing him back with a fierceness that is unusual for me.
I want him so much, well, his body anyway, and so I press against him with a soft groan as he bites my bottom lip with his teeth.
His legs kick mine apart and his enormous cock presses against my sodden pussy and he growls, “Birth control?”
I gasp as he moves lower and as he reaches my inner thighs, he pushes them apart and swipes his tongue around my clit.
“Fuck.” I gasp as he plunges his wicked tongue inside me and I grasp the sheets as I writhe against his invasion.
His low growl of appreciation lifts my heart and the sensations he is driving deep inside me cause me to gasp, “Fuck! Oh fuck!”
His low chuckle is immaterial because right now I couldn’t give a damn what he thinks of me. I am so lost in the moment I could die happy right now and as I relish every suck, every small bite and every sensation cascading through my body, I almost don’t register the huge crash that comes from above.
“Fuck!” He pulls back with a hiss and my eyes shoot open as I hear something dragging across the floorboards upstairs.
Valentin jumps from the bed and says harshly, “Stay there.”
“What?” I sit up, my eyes wide as he wraps the disastrous robe around him and I briefly register how comical he looks as it fails to cover part of his body.
Then my eyes widen even further when he grasps a gun from his jacket and says harshly, “Lock the door behind me.”
“No, Valentin, don’t go up there.” I am so frightened because bullets won’t work on ghosts. At least I don’t think they do.
“I said lock the door, Polly.”
He moves fast and as he leaves the room, I jump to attention and yet as my hand closes around the lock, something inside me snaps. The fuck will I cower in here. This is now my house and I will not be made to wait when there could be another dimension opening up in my attic and ghosts and demons spilling from the underworld.
I am naked and not about to provide a floorshow for any avenging demons, so I grasp the sheet from the bed and wrap it around me like a toga. If there is a spirit other than vodka lurking in this house, I am determined to be more than a match for it.
I catch up with Valentin on the stairs up to the attic, and his low curse should have me turning and running for cover.
“Go back to the room like I told you.”
I press into him from behind and the soft stream of Russian expletives makes me say roughly, “This is my home, Valentin, and you don’t get to order me around in it.”
He turns and growls, “No, but I warned you what happens if you anger me, malyshka, so if you are okay with that, stay for the ride. If you want to preserve your fine ass, do as you’re told.”
I should run. I should not look back and I should lock that door and not open it until they all leave, but should isn’t a word I’m listening to right now and I hiss, “Just get rid of whatever’s up there. I’ve got your back.”
Once again his angry words roll past me but he carries on up the stairs toward the heavy oak door that is now firmly closed.
“I thought it was left open.”
I whisper into his back and he growls, “It was.”