Page 38 of Weeping Roses
I move away and her uneven breathing is the only response I get and once again I turn my attention to my phone, knowing that right in this moment, Polly is completely controlled by me.
The cars stop in the street, and Polly’s eyes widen when she sees where we are.
“What’s going on?” She gasps as the door opens and one of my men stands there, a cruel eye on the pavement as the shoppers stare with curiosity at the small procession of black cars that have come to town.
“We need supplies. This place provides everything we need.”
I notice Simon disappearing through the revolving doors, along with several of my other men.
“But this is Harrods. It’s so expensive.” She says with concern, and I sigh with exasperation.
“One more time, Polly, money is not the focus here. We need things, we shop. End of story. We pay on plastic and the money leaves the bank account at the end of the month. It’s no big deal and just so you know–” I smirk, “I never check the statement.”
I reach for her hand and say irritably, “Now get what you need and I mean everything. We don’t have time to mess around if you forget anything.”
I tug her from the car and she stumbles after me, the curious gazes of the passers-by following us through the revolving doors.
As we make our way inside, a woman steps forward and Polly’s eyes widen as I say firmly, “Polly, this lady is here to help you.”
“Since when?” She blurts out, her expression almost comical.
“Since Artem called ahead. She will follow you around and make certain your purchases are charged and delivered to your home. Get more than you need because I do not intend to repeat the visit all the time business is more important.”
She stares in disbelief as the woman smiles and says respectfully, “Miss Scott-Stanley, it will be my pleasure to assist you. Please, follow me and we will equip you with everything you need.”
As Polly stumbles after her, I turn to Artem and groan. “Why is it so fucking difficult to get women to do what you tell them to?”
He laughs softly. “If you discover the secret of the female brain, let me in on it.”
I exhale sharply and turn to the man on my right, who is hovering nervously, waiting for instruction.
“Show me what you’ve got.” I say in resignation and as I follow the male personal shopper, the next hour couldn’t be over soon enough for me.
I soon have everything I require and head back to the ground floor and am surprised to see Polly waiting with a few carrier bags and a triumphant smile on her face. The woman who escorted her doesn’t look so pleased and I snap, “Please tell me the rest is being wrapped and ready to be delivered.”
Polly shakes her head. “I bought a change of clothes and some toiletries. That is more than enough for today and first thing tomorrow, I’m taking the train to Sussex to collect my things.”
Artem is smirking beside me and I bite back the steady stream of expletives that are begging to be set free and say roughly, “Come with me.”
I grab Polly’s wrist and nod to the woman staring at us with concern.
“Follow us.”
Without saying another word, I pull Polly along with me toward the escalators and before long we are patrolling the womenswear department. As we walk, I pluck various items from the rails and heap them into the arms of the assistant, whose smile is a lot brighter now.
“What are you doing?” Polly hisses and I say firmly, “I’m taking charge of the situation because you cannot be trusted to follow direct orders.”
She attempts to snatch her hand away and I tighten my grip and say in a deep whisper, “Don’t test my limits, Polly because I’m not averse to taking one of those seats and bending you over my knee in full view of everyone. You will learn to obey if it kills you.”
Her shocked silence is exactly what I need as I continue dragging armfuls of dresses, tops, pants and blouses off the rails, into the arms of several women who have now joined the line.
We must make an interesting spectacle as we move through the department, equipping this insufferable woman with everything she needs for her entire life and I take great delight in throwing armfuls of lingerie and accessories after it, with curt instructions to select them in her size.