Page 42 of Weeping Roses
“Sundry items?” I laugh softly and she grins, the happiness on her face catching me off guard for a second. Polly is a beautiful woman most of the time, but here, directing a smile at me that is full of happiness, she is an ethereal being who I would be a fool to let walk away.
It would be so easy to promise her the world to keep her for a moment longer. Was this how my father felt with Veronica? Did she tug on his heartstrings in the same way and he would do anything to keep her? Was she someone he couldn’t give up if he tried? His drug, his downfall, and his shame.
Polly is none of those things because I have no commitment to anyone else. I am free to explore all possibilities with her and I surprise myself by reaching up and trailing a heavy finger down her fragile face.
Her lips part slightly and her eyes glitter, and I just can’t help myself and lean in for a kiss. As our lips touch, the world stills and takes note. Nothing can disturb this moment because it’s wrapped in epiphany. This simple pleasure means the world to me and suddenly, like Polly, I don’t want to play this game anymore. I want something very different now and yet it wouldn’t work. I already know that because I travel the globe and have no time to consider anyone else, but the time I spend with her is more desirable than any business deal I have ever wished to make.
“Valentin.” Her soft mention of my name causes my heart to beat faster and she whispers, “Why do I love hate you so much?”
“Because we all love things that are bad for us, malyshka, and I am extremely bad for you.”
She giggles against my mouth and then stuns me by cupping my face in her delicate hands and kissing me so deeply it confuses me.
Her soft moan tells me exactly what she’s thinking and as her tongue claims mine and her thumb rubs against my cheek, I’m surprised to discover the person now in control is her.
We kiss for the longest moment and then she pulls back and says huskily, “I’m going inside to shower. Meet me in the blue room at the top of the house in thirty minutes and I’ll show you what I bought in Harrods.”
I stare at her with a question in my eyes and she giggles, offering me a shy wink and then she pulls away and whispers in my ear, “I promise to make it worth your time.”
As she walks away, she doesn’t look back, and I shamelessly fix my gaze on her shapely ass as she heads inside.
I rake my fingers through my hair and wonder when I lusted after a woman as much as I do her. The only time I can remember was my teacher in high school. Miss Crawford. Every kid fancied the pants off her but she was engaged to the phys ed teacher who wrestled bears for fun in his spare time. I had many x-rated dreams about Miss Crawford, but none of them compare to the ones I’m imagining now that will take place in the blue room at the top of Briar House.
I’m delirious. I must be because I just invited the man I love and hate to a private show at the top of the house I inherited. I should be angry with him. I should demand that they leave because who the hell spanks someone like a naughty kid?
I am still angry with him for that, but sitting in the garden under the apple tree, it struck me that everything I want in life, dreamed of in life, was with me there. The most amazing house, guaranteed money for the rest of my life and the man of my dreams, holding my hand so tenderly and my rock in a storm.
At that moment, nothing else mattered but kissing him to mark the moment when I had it all. I’m not a fool. I’m aware it’s a fleeting pleasure. He is making me no promises and will leave as soon as he gets the information he seeks.
I wanted to make our time together count for something. To make astonishing, deliciously wicked memories that will remain long after he departs. I have been gifted a rare opportunity and I should stop resisting and live recklessly for once so, I will seduce Valentin Romanov because I want that more than anything right now.
I chose the blue room at the top of the house over the master suite on the level down from it. It is filled with light, and the view of the garden is immeasurable. The walls are pretty blue and white silk with a matching bed quilt and overall, the room is pretty and welcoming and far enough away from the rest of my guests to give us much needed privacy.
It also has the most decadent bathroom with a roll top bath on clawed feet that I made up my mind to try out before anything else. I am still bathing in Valentin’s attention from the wood earlier and I still can’t believe this is the same day.
As I lie in the heated water that is awash with bubbles, I groan my appreciation as the water cleanses my jaded skin. I lean back against the edge of the bath and allow my body to relax as I contemplate the past few days with a clearer mind.
So much has happened and promises more because I have two important meetings to attend that may reveal the answers that Valentin seeks. The trouble is, as soon as he gets what he’s looking for, I will be forced to wake up from this dream. He will leave and all I’ll have is the memory of when I had it all, so I’m now in two minds whether to take David up on his offer and live in blissful ignorance for a little longer.
I’m conscious of the time and as I slip from the bath and wrap a huge white fluffy towel around my glowing body, I wander over to the sink and stare at my flushed face. My eyes are bright and full of excitement and it strikes me that I appear different somehow.
More self-assured, confident even, and as I clean my teeth, I love how good that makes me feel.
With five minutes to go, I turn my attention to one of my purchases and tip the black lacey underwear onto the bed. As I pull it over my heated body, it hugs me like an ardent lover would. The lace covers my skin, and the under wire pushes up my breasts so they almost spill from the top. The thong nestles in the crack of my arse and as I pull on the stockings and fasten them to the suspenders, I smile when I picture Valentin’s reaction. I wonder what he will think when I stand before him dressed like this. I feel sexy, and I’m pretty certain I look sexy and imagining what he will do about that makes me wet with anticipation.
A soft knock on the door causes my heart to race and I perch on my knees on the bed and say softly, “Come in.”
As the door inches open, I gaze at the man entering the room and the fiery expression in his eyes reveals exactly what he’s thinking.
For a moment he just stares, running that dark gaze the length of my body, causing my heart to race in anticipation of his next move.
He looks so sexy I’m almost panting as he stands staring at me with his black silk shirt open enough to reveal his insanely strong muscle bound chest.