Page 60 of Weeping Roses
“I can cope. I’m a big boy.”
I drop down beside her and lace her fingers with mine and she rests her head on my shoulder and sighs heavily.
“She told me Veronica worked for her and met your father that way. She–”
She falters and turns to peer up at me and says with a sympathetic smile. “She told me that your father was in love with Veronica and I really hate saying this but was trapped in a?—”
She squeezes my hand and whispers, “Loveless marriage.”
I maintain my composure and say through gritted teeth. “What else did she say?”
Her face is a picture of concern and for some reason, I love that she cares. It’s a nice feeling and not one I’m used to and so I grip her hand a little tighter and nod my encouragement.
“Please. What else did she say?”
“She offered me two things. A job and to buy Thorn House.”
I raise my eyes. “What job?”
Once again, I’m testing her and she pulls a face. “Extremely well paid escort by all accounts that involves escorting wealthy men. She said it was well paid, but I’m guessing the money is not for the event they attend. It’s what happens afterward in private.”
“You guess right.”
She shudders. “I would never stoop so low. I mean, I have money. I don’t need to lower myself to that. If I had to sell all the houses I would, and live in my flat in Sussex like I did before. I was happy then.”
“And you’re unhappy now?”
I hate how upset that makes me, and she smiles softly. “Not now. Not right at this moment, in fact–”
She appears to check herself and I whisper, “In fact, what?”
She blushes and whispers, “I’m loving every minute of this. Perhaps it’s the mystery, the unknown, the adventure perhaps or it–”
She blushes even more. “Or it could be because I’m enjoying spending time with you.”
I can’t resist her and reaching across, I drag her face to mine and kiss her softly, loving the way my heart beats frantically. Polly affects me more than anyone ever has, and I am intoxicated by her. I will probably never tire of kissing her soft sweet lips and as our tongues tangle together, I’m in no hurry to release her. I deepen the kiss and her soft moan escapes into my mouth and it would be so easy to finish this in the bed next door, but as always business takes precedence and I pull away reluctantly and say gruffly.
“You say she wants to buy Thorn House. What are you thinking?”
Her breathing is fast and her face flushed, but she whispers, “That it’s a smokescreen.”
“In what way?”
“It’s weird. I mean, first the break in, now this. What if there’s something important there that we don’t know about?”
It makes me smile and I touch her face with a soft hand and whisper, “You’re mind is like a Romanov’s, malyshka. I love that.”
“Well, do you?”
Her eyes brighten and I laugh softly. “I think you’re right. What else did she say?”
“That we should meet tomorrow and drive to Thorn House to discuss it further, but I’m not selling, Valentin.”
The steel in her voice makes me smile as she adds, “And I’m not taking her stupid job, either. That woman is vile, and I want nothing to do with her.”
“Think about it.” I say and her eyes widen, causing me to chuckle.
“Not the job, or selling. It’s about the opportunity.”