Page 75 of Weeping Roses
“Does my brother know?”
Artem nods. “He is aware.”
Artem moves away and as the door closes behind him, I’m not sure if we got any further with our investigation and the frustration is eating at me inside and I sigh heavily.
“What now?”
“We find what she was looking for.”
He says simply and I say wearily, “But what if it’s not there? It didn’t appear to be.”
“Her information may have been wrong, but knowing my father, he came into the possession of important presidential documents that he has hidden away.”
I’m surprised when he turns to me and I detect a softness in his eyes that catches me off-guard and he reaches up and strokes my face with a light touch. “Marsha was wrong about my intentions, Polly.”
“She was?”
I hold my breath as he whispers, “I married you because I couldn’t bear the thought of not being with you for the rest of my life. I hope you understand that.”
I press my cheek against his hand and smile. “That’s good to hear.”
His eyes glitter and he says huskily, “You are my wife because I want you to be, not because of my search. We are a team, malyshka. Remember that and we will be a successful one.”
“I have no doubts about that.”
For a long moment we just stare at one another, and all my doubts evaporate on his words. I know he wants me. It’s obvious, but for how long?
Ileave Polly to search her aunt’s office. She is under instruction to tear it apart if necessary, and I head to the coach house to meet with Artem.
If Marsha’s visit has taught me anything, it’s how frustrated I am that my search is not yielding results. I should have what I need right now, but we are running in circles and it’s frustrating the crap out of me.
Artem is working, his attention firmly focused on the computer and I note his fingers flying over the keyboard as he arranges our investigation.
“Are we all set?” I ask, as I take the seat beside him and he nods, his brow furrowed in concentration.
“We placed a tail on Nikolai; several, in fact. We can’t get close enough to tap his phone and the usual shit, but if he moves, we will know about it.”
“And Miss Steele?” Even the sound of that woman’s name from my mouth makes me want to scrub it out and he laughs softly.
“She plays the victim well and assured us she would notify us if she hears anything.”
“What about the technology?”
“It should be in position before she turns off the motorway. Even if she never calls, we will screen every caller, every conversation, and every move she makes.”
He pulls up an image on the screen and I note the attractive woman staring out at me. “Who’s that?”
“Gabrielle Adams.”
He grins and I note the devilish smirk on his face.
“Marsha Steele’s daughter.”