Page 77 of Weeping Roses
“In what way?”
Arman was sent to New York to steady our investments that are shaky since our father died.
“Titus needs to steady the ship.”
He says simply and then groans. “This is a distraction I don’t need right now.”
“Then hope its nothing and send her on her way.”
He growls, “If Nikolai Barinov is involved, you can be sure it’s something. That man doesn’t travel well and prefers his victims to live in the homeland. It’s less risky that way.”
“This could be a golden opportunity.”
There’s a short silence as my meaning hits home and Arman says evenly, “Perhaps you should call Mikhail?”
“I will leave that pleasure with you, brother. Good luck.”
I cut the call, and the expression on Artem’s face doesn’t reassure me.
“You’re really doing this?” He raises his eyes and I shrug.
“We have no choice. One step ahead, Artem, it’s always been the Romanov way and yet on this occasion I’ve a feeling we are several steps behind.”
He nods and returns his attention to the screen and my finger hovers over the phone as I steel myself to call Titus. The fact I just ordered a hit on the president’s assassin may be a problem and Titus must be the one to give it the green flag.
Once again, I hear the emotionless tones of one of my brothers and I waste no time in filling him in on my conversation with Arman.
There is a long silence, and I wonder what’s running through his mind. He will be the one in the firing line if shit goes south, and it’s probably one of the tensest moments of my life waiting for his response.
Then he sighs and his gravelly voice hits me.
“Mikhail is the best man for the job. I’ll arrange it.”
“Are you sure?” I must ask because this could affect every one of us if it goes wrong.
“I’m sure.” He says simply, and I steel myself for the next bit of news I’m about to land on him.
“You should know I’m married.”
His low chuckle makes me smile.
“Was that also part of the plan, or a by product of that?”
“By product.”
“Then congratulations, brother. You do realize mama will not be so happy.”
“She’ll get over it.”
I’m aware he is referring to the fact none of my family was in attendance and I’ve denied her the society wedding she has probably been planning since I could walk.
“What are your immediate plans?”
His question brings me back to business.
“Tearing Thorn House apart for answers.” I chuckle. “If there are none, it will be Briar House next. I’m guessing Rose Cottage has very little to offer, considering it burned to the ground.”