Page 12 of Fool's Gold
We landed with a thud, Gemma clutching at me as we regained our balance. Our faces were mere inches apart, her warm breath fanning across my skin as she gazed up at me.
"You saved me," she breathed, her voice tinged with awe.
"Of course," I rumbled, my grip on her waist lingering for a heartbeat longer than necessary. "I won't let any harm come to you."
The words tumbled from my lips before I could stop them, a promise born from an inexplicable desire to protect this human female who had so thoroughly captivated me.
Gemma's lips parted, her eyes searching mine as if seeking the truth behind my words. The tension between us thickened, charged with an undercurrent of emotion that threatened to consume us both.
A sudden metallic clang shattered the moment, and we broke apart, our heads whipping towards the source of the sound. A series of razor-sharp blades emerged from the walls, their serrated edges glinting menacingly in the dim light.
"Traps," Gemma breathed, her voice laced with dread.
I nodded grimly, my body coiled and ready for action. "Landar's doing, no doubt."
The blades began to oscillate, their movements erratic and unpredictable. I watched them intently, gauging their patterns as Gemma pressed herself against the wall, her eyes wide with fear.
"What do we do?" she whispered, her voice trembling.
I didn't respond, my focus entirely on the deadly obstacle before us. They were fast. But not as fast as a Vinduthi.
"Stay close," I said, my arm snaking around her waist once more.
Together, we inched forward, my every movement calculated and precise as I guided us through the gauntlet of blades. Gemma's breath hitched with every near miss, her fingers digging into my arm as she clung to me with unwavering trust.
Finally, we emerged on the other side, the blades retracting into the walls with a series of metallic clangs. Gemma sagged against me, her relief palpable as she buried her face in my chest, her body trembling.
"You're safe now," I murmured, my hand stroking her hair in a gesture of comfort I hadn't realized I was capable of.
She pulled back, her hazel eyes shimmering with an emotion I couldn't quite place. "How can you be so calm in the face of such danger?"
A wry smile tugged at the corner of my lips. "Danger is my constant companion, little one. How do you think any of us survive?"
The words hung between us, laden with a weight I couldn't comprehend. Gemma held my gaze, her expression unreadable as she searched my face for something – what, I couldn't fathom.
With a sharp nod, she stepped back, her composure regained. "Let's keep moving. The tech bay can't be much further."
We finally reached a sealed bulkhead with faded lettering - "Tech Bay." Kaelith examined the heavy door, clawed fingers tracing over a control panel, then pried it open.
The tech bay itself was a vast, dimly lit space filled with rows of consoles and computer banks. Dust motes danced in the shafts of pale blue light filtering through cracked screens and exposed conduits. The stale air carried a burnt, acrid scent that stung my nostrils.
"This should allow me to interface with my ship's systems," Kaelith's deep voice echoed through the empty room, startling me from my observations.
He strode over to a relatively intact terminal and began manipulating the controls with practiced efficiency. Symbols flickered across the screens as he established a link. I watched in fascination, struck by how at home he seemed amidst all this technology despite his brutal, warrior-like demeanor.
Moments later, a holographic display materialized, revealing the angular features of what I assumed was his ship's AI.
"Yes?" the disembodied voice intoned respectfully. "How may I be of service?"
Kaelith produced the commpads and data chip we'd recovered earlier. "Arana, run decryption protocols on these. Uncover whatever information they contain."
"At once." The AI's form flickered as it processed the devices.
I fidgeted nervously. I’d made a deal with this hunter for my freedom. But could the chip really lead us to the treasure? Kaelith's red eyes flicked towards me, sharp and penetrating, as if sensing my unease.
The AI's avatar reappeared. "I regret to inform you the commpads contain no usable data. They appear to have been thoroughly wiped."