Page 2 of Fool's Gold
Gemma swayed on unsteady legs, eyelids fluttering. Acting on instinct, I scooped her up in my arms before she could collapse. She stiffened at the sudden contact but didn't struggle, allowing herself to be cradled against my chest.
I started back towards the exit, her weight negligible after so many cycles without sustenance. One small hand gripped the armored plane of my shoulder as if for balance. The heat of that tiny point of contact seemed to blaze through my body.
I gritted my teeth, forcing my gaze forward as we exited the lair. Whatever bizarre impulses were swirling within me, I needed to regain control. This woman was a means to an end, nothing more.
So why did every step feel charged with illicit tension, each brush of her skin like a lightning strike?
I shook my head, refocusing on the mission ahead. One thing was certain - I would get to the bottom of this mystery, no matter how deeply I had to delve. My instincts had never led me astray before.
And right now, they were leading me straight towards this human female named Gemma.
As his powerful arms encircled me, I couldn't suppress the shudder that ran through my body. This was my chance - a terrifying, uncertain chance for freedom. But the tales I'd heard about the Vinduthi warriors made my blood run cold.
Whispers echoed in my mind, rumors of their merciless brutality, their vicious codes of honor that spared no mercy for the weak. Supposedly, they delighted in torturing their captives, breaking their spirits before granting the cold release of death.
I tensed, my heart pounding as he pulled me closer, shielding me from the prying eyes of the station's denizens. His grip was unyielding, his body radiating a predatory strength that could so easily overpower me. Yet, inexplicably, I felt strangely safe in his embrace, as if his arms were a sanctuary from the chaos around us.
The station itself was a dizzying kaleidoscope of sights and sounds, a bustling hub where countless species mingled and bartered. Neon signs flickered in alien scripts, beckoning travelers to indulge in every vice imaginable. Vendors hawked exotic wares, their calls mingling with the cacophony of languages filling the air. The acrid tang of spice and fuel hung heavy, assaulting my senses.
"Please," I pleaded, my voice barely audible over the din. "Don't turn me over to the authorities. I'll do anything."
His crimson eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable. In that moment, I knew I needed a compelling reason for this fearsome warrior to spare me, to protect me from the dangers that lurked around every corner.
"I know where Landar hid his treasure," I blurted out, grasping at any thread that might pique his interest. "A priceless trove, unlike anything you've ever seen."
I conjured vivid images from my imagination, letting the details spill from my lips in a desperate torrent. "Gems the size of your fist, glittering like captured stars. Alien artifacts of incalculable value, imbued with powers beyond our comprehension. Riches that would make even the wealthiest kings weep with envy."
Skepticism etched lines into the sharp planes of his face. But I could see the glimmer of intrigue in those piercing eyes, a hint of greed that might just sway him in my favor.
"I'll tell you where to find it," I pressed on, my voice trembling with both fear and hope. "All I ask in return is my freedom and your protection."
For a long moment, he remained silent, his gaze penetrating straight to my soul. I could almost see the calculations flickering behind those mesmerizing eyes, weighing the risks against the potential rewards.
Finally, he gave a curt nod. "Very well. You have a deal."
Relief flooded through me, mingled with a twinge of guilt for the deception. But what choice did I have? If I could just get off this station, maybe - just maybe - I could find a way to true freedom. Or, failing that, at least secure a better master than the brutish Landar.
“Welcome back, Master Kaelith.” The soft voice of the ship’s AI chimed from the walls as the bounty hunter carried me onto his ship, the sleek lines of its hull gleaming like obsidian in the dim hangar bay. Inside, the corridors were a maze of muted grays and deep shadows, the air carrying a faint tang of ozone and recycled oxygen.
"Welcome to the Shadowblade," he said curtly. At least now I had a name for my… rescuer?
He secured me in a small cabin, slipping a tracking band over my ankle with practiced ease. The band's metal caressed my skin, a constant reminder that I was still a captive, no matter how gilded the cage might be.
As the ship's engines thrummed to life, I tried to recall any scrap of information, any overheard coordinate or rumor that I could use.
The treasure was real enough.
Or maybe it was just something Landar had boasted of when he was in his cups. It was a good story at least. A cache he'd hidden long ago, where no one would ever look. And even if they did, he'd cackled, it would do them no good.
But I didn't have anything else to bargain with. The scraps of information I'd gathered over the long years of indentured service to that monster would have to do.
Landar had never noticed how much I’d watched, how much I’d memorized, hoarding bits of information like my own treasure, currency that I could only hope to someday spend.
This was my chance. Or a trap, waiting for me to fall.