Page 9 of Fool's Gold
Kaelith arched a brow ridge, those crimson eyes flickering with interest as he peered over my shoulder. "Was?"
"It's been... destroyed." I gestured helplessly at the shattered bottles, their contents rapidly evaporating into the stale air. "Every last one, smashed to pieces."
A muscle tightened along Kaelith's jaw as he surveyed the wreckage, his expression inscrutable. For a moment, I thought I glimpsed a flicker of disappointment in those fathomless red depths, but it was gone in an instant, replaced by his usual mask of stoic indifference.
"A pity," he murmured, his gaze sweeping over the ruined cache with an almost clinical detachment. "Not exactly the most secure location once the destruction of the station started."
The acrid reek of spilled liquor stung my eyes, each breath like inhaling fire. I covered my mouth and nose with the crook of my elbow, blinking back tears as I struggled to make sense of the chaos surrounding us.
That's when I noticed it—a glint of reflected light amidst the shards of broken glass. Frowning, I crouched down, carefully brushing aside the debris to reveal a battered metal flask. Unlike the other bottles, this one remained miraculously intact, its surface scuffed but unbroken.
"Kaelith..." I rasped, my voice muffled by the fabric of my sleeve. "Look at this."
The Vinduthi leaned in, his eyes narrowing as he studied the flask cradled in my palm. With a deft flick of his wrist, he snatched it from my grasp, holding it up to the dim light filtering through the hatch.
A terse grunt was his only sound as he examined the battered container. "This is no ordinary flask."
My brow furrowed as I peered at the unassuming metal cylinder. To my eyes, it seemed utterly unremarkable, save for the fact that it had survived the devastation wrought upon its brethren. "What do you mean?"
Instead of answering, Kaelith traced the pad of his thumb over a series of tiny grooves etched into the flask's surface—grooves I hadn't even noticed until he pointed them out. As he applied pressure, a soft hiss escaped the container, and a hairline seam appeared along its length.
My eyes widened as the flask split open with a soft snick, revealing a hollow interior... and something nestled within.
A data chip.
"Well, well..." Kaelith purred, that sultry grin curving his full lips once more. "It seems your former master had one final trick up his sleeve."
Of course—in all the chaos and devastation, someone had overlooked this innocuous little flask. And if Landar's reputation was anything to go by, the data contained on that chip could very well be priceless.
Kaelith's gaze snared mine, those crimson eyes glittering with a predatory light that sent a shiver coursing through my body. "I do believe we've found a clue to our treasure after all."
As I rose to follow him back down the corridor, Kaelith's outstretched arm stopped me. "You require sustenance."
I blinked, caught off guard as he broke off another piece of a ration bar and fed it to me.
"What?" One sleek brow arched in clear challenge. "I can hardly have you faltering from lack of nourishment."
His words landed like a blow, at once gruffly pragmatic yet edged with the faintest hint of...concern? No, surely my mind was playing tricks on me.
Still, the simple act of being provided for—of having someone ensure my basic needs were met—stirred a warmth within me I hadn't felt in longer than I could remember. My throat tightened with a sudden, unwelcome sting of emotion.
Kaelith watched me through hooded eyes, his expression unreadable. When I made no move to comply, his jaw tensed with obvious impatience.
"Eat, human," he growled, the command unmistakable. "We've further to go."
The bland, sawdusty taste did little for my appetite, but I forced myself to chew.
As I did, I became acutely aware of Kaelith's piercing stare fixed on me, those smoldering red eyes following the motion of my throat as I swallowed. The weight of his regard seemed to scald me from the inside out, rekindling that strange, heated ache I couldn't begin to rationalize.
Unbidden, the memory of his powerful arms encircling me flashed through my mind—being crushed against those unyielding planes of muscle and sinewy strength. Of being utterly enveloped in his masculine heat, his spice-tinged scent overwhelming my senses.
I took another hasty bite of the ration bar, if only to conceal the flush I knew was blazing across my cheeks. What was wrong with me? This was madness—sheer, utter madness.
And yet, even as the thought solidified, part of me thrilled at the memory. At the scorching, visceral ache his proximity ignited low in my core.
Kaelith's deep rumble shattered my wandering reverie. "Is it to your satisfaction, human?"
I jolted, my gaze snapping to his. Those blazing crimson eyes studied me with an intensity that seemed to strip me bare.