Page 47 of Lip Service
For some reason, the thought of hurting Hunter emotionally made me feel sicker than I had when I’d witnessed his pain when I’d pierced his nipple. The strength of my reaction had me looking at things on a purely rational rather than emotional level.
A part of me still believes he’d called Amy, but bribing Chad? Why would Hunter go through the trouble? If there was ever a man who showed his cards and taunted the world to accept him as he was, it was Hunter. Plus, Chad idolizes Hunter. Hunter knows this, so why would he feel it necessary to have to bribe Chad into liking him? And Hunter had spoken the truth on the phone—he had too much to lose by doing something so unethical and stupid. He has more honor than that.
Once I reach the door of Chad’s apartment, I try to push the door open, but it’s locked. He almost never locks his door—it’s a bad habit of his I’ve been trying to break for years, but it looks like he’s finally learning his lesson. I knock on the door three times in a row before he pulls the door open, wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants with hair that looks like he just rolled out of bed.
“Did you really just get out of bed?”
“Yeah,” he groans and wipes his eyes with his fists. “Studying for finals is killing me.”
“I’m not going to be here for long,” I insist as I push past him.
He closes the door behind me and spins to face me with his arms crossed over each other. “What’s up?” he questions, letting out an obnoxious yawn.
“I need to know the truth.”
“The truth about what?” He steps into the kitchen and grabs an empty glass from the cupboard to fill it up with water. “The truth about whether or not I’m going to sign?” He shrugs as he takes a long gulp of water. “I really haven’t decided yet.”
I step to the other side of the counter and fold my palms against the edge of the granite surface. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”
He finishes off the glass of water and sits the cup in the empty sink. “I’m really tired and I’m exhausted, so maybe instead of waiting for me to guess what you’re talking about, you just tell me?”
I have no problem with that. “I’m talking about the phone and the tickets.”
“What about them?” He sighs and scratches at the back of his ear. But he also can’t look me in the eye anymore.
“Who gave them to you?”
“Dani, I told you. I don’t know.”
“Show me the package.”
“I threw it away.” His teeth bite into his lower lip. “I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal, anyway.”
“It’s a big deal because if Hunter is sending you shit to bribe you into signing with him, it’s unethical and it’s illegal, and I’m going to have to put my foot down and tell you that you are absolutely not signing with him.”
He locks his eyes with mine. “That’s not your choice to make.”
“Maybe not, but all my life I’ve watched out for you. I’m not going to just stop now.”
Chad swipes his hands over his face. “Dani, please just let this go.”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“Then leave.” He turns his back to me and paces down the short hall to his bedroom. The door slams shut seconds later.
I immediately march down the hall and throw open the door to find Chad lying in bed, his hands folded behind his head.
“Why are you being so defensive?” I question, hand against my hip. “Do you think I like fighting with you?”
“I think you like being in control.” He pushes himself up and swings his legs to the floor until he’s sitting, his hands between his knees. “And I really think you need to let this go.”
“Fine,” I scowl and rip my phone from my jeans. “I’m just going to go ahead and call the ethics committee right now.” I pretend to dial the number and press the phone against my ear, all the while my eyes are battling with his, just waiting for him to break and tell me the truth. “Yes, hello,” I feign talking to someone on the other end of the phone. “Can I—”
“Fine, you fucking win.” Chad jumps out of bed, rips the phone out of my hand and proceeds to hang up a call that was never actually happening. “You want to know the truth?” He towers over me, frustration and anger apparent in his voice. “I’ll tell you the truth, but you’re not going to like it. Hunter isn’t bribing me. But in a way, Dad is.”
It was the last thing I expected him to say. The last person I expected him to mention. And it hits me in the face like a ton of bricks. “D—dad—?”
“That’s right. Dad has been sending me stuff for a few weeks now.”