Page 38 of Nailing Studs
Me, that’s why I stayed away from long-term relationships. They never worked out in the end, though something about this woman had stayed in my head the last two days. In the diner, she’d caught my eye because of her gorgeous looks and delicious body, but also there was an honesty in her eyes. She seemed open to the world, ready to embrace all life had to offer and offer just as much back. I found her intoxicating. So, apparently did Dom. And Taylor.
I never expected him to try sharing a woman again. Ever. But last night, I’d been coming back from a late business meeting and saw Kayla, Dom, and Taylor exit a restaurant on Main Street. Dom had given her a kiss on the cheek but she’d gone home with Taylor.
And I knew.
Oh, hell yeah, I knew.
And I’d wondered. If Dom was willing to share with Taylor again, maybe he’d be willing to share with me, too. Assuming Kayla was willing of course. I knew Kayla was attracted to me. The question was whether she was attracted enough to include me in whatever arrangement she had with Dom and Taylor.
Taylor clapped a hand on my shoulder and steered me toward Kayla. “I’ll let Kayla fill you in on what’s going on.”
Kayla came up to me and extended her small hand. Her eyes were clear and hazel, as bright and pretty as they’d been the other day. The skin of her neck was flushed like she’d just finished having a good orgasm or been worked up by Dom upstairs. A light smile was at her lips when she saw me, like her life was too good to be true with these three, big guys filling her…uh…foyer.
“Hello, Logan. Nice of you to drop by.” She gave me a polite grimace. “Sorry, I know you offered to pull comps, but I won’t be selling the house right away. We’re going to renovate it, then sell after the work’s done.”
“Oh?” This was a surprise. She didn’t strike me as the type to have big cash stowed away for a major overhaul, and I excelled at looking for those types of details in potential clients. Maybe her workers here had struck her a good deal. “Thought you were selling straight away. So you’re staying a little longer to enjoy…the view?” I chuckled.
The guys both gave me looks like I better shut the fuck up, and that was how I knew they were both banging her. Or would be soon.
“Actually, Dom and Taylor are going to work on the house a bit first, before I sell,” Kayla explained. “Get it in better condition so I can get a far better price.”
Her chest heaved slightly, those beautiful taut nipples of hers pushing through her bra. I didn’t have to see her naked to know exactly what type of breasts they were. The round, full kind with thick nipples that were fun to flick with your tongue. She turned, and I caught sight of her ass and almost went hard. What a fucking fine ass she had, all round and soft and oh so inviting.
As if Kayla could hear my thoughts, she turned back to me and uncrossed her arms, tilted her chin upward, and gave me an “I dare you” look, the flush on her neck growing deep. When the guys both looked at each other, exchanging secretive glances, Kayla’s eyes held steady on me, a sensual challenge rising in her eyes. Oh, the feeling was mutual.
“Even though I won’t be selling right away, you’re more than welcome to hang out with us for a while,” Kayla drawled, as if challenging the other men to reject her decision. “I’m about to make breakfast. You look like a man who could…eat.”
I wasn’t sure how Taylor and Dom were feeling right about now, but my focus was on the sexy as sin woman in front of me. I kept my gaze fixed on hers and let my smile widen. Pushing my way past the two men, I made my way into the house, saying, “I’ll eat what you give me any time.”
Only when I was fully inside did I turn back to Dom and Taylor, who both looked like the bad kid in the class had just gotten invited to their birthday party. “Come on, boys. We can’t keep a lady waiting,” I said.
From ahead, Kayla tossed a line over her shoulder, saying “Oh, you’ve got one thing wrong, Logan. I’m no lady.”
Laughing, I followed her sexy ass down the hall, two grumbling men on my tail. All’s well that ends well, and this was gonna end great—I could feel it in my bones.
What had happened to my life? Last night I’d had the best sex of my life with Taylor. But it wasn’t just Taylor on my mind now. The three of them—Taylor, Dominic, and Logan—went together like a trifecta of eye candy.
I started prepping breakfast while Logan, Taylor, and Dom sat on the seats along the kitchen counter and talked about the old days. I could feel the camaraderie between them, but every so often I’d see Dom rolling his eyes and looking at me. It was like he couldn’t decide if he liked having Logan there or wanted to protect me from him.
“What are you making over here, Kayla?” Logan asked.
“I…” Tapping the edge of the bowl with the spatula, I fought to focus on what I was doing. “Um…I am making apple pancakes with cinnamon syrup. I would make a baked apple streusel, but I couldn’t get the oven lit this morning. I should replace it, but…” I shrugged, but smiled over my shoulder at the men.
“Don’t worry, pancakes sound equally delicious.”
“Oh, I bet you’ve never had something so delicious in your mouths.” I winked.
They all whistled and Taylor said, “Daaamnnn.”
Energy swirled inside of me. Those words. They’d come from my mouth. Flirtatious, daring words. It was as if a new Kayla had kidnapped the old one, tied her up, and stuffed her in a closet. The new Kayla wanted to play out this flirting thing as much as she could.
“I can say differently,” Taylor said, grinning as he lifted his coffee mug to his mouth. That perfect mouth I’d enjoyed ravaging last night. The mouth that had gone down on me and brought me to orgasm.
My eyes widened. Oh, wait—so that’s what he was hinting at! My pussy in his mouth tasted better than my baking! I fanned myself.