Page 55 of Saint
Repeatedly, my eyes continued fluttering as I shifted from sleep to lucidness. Judging by my position, Saint was still lodged inside of me. We’d been asleep for over an hour. His hand caressed against my thigh, still draped over him, as I felt his erection growing to fill me up again.
Never removing himself from his resting place, he shifted to stand on his knees with my legs spread on both sides of him, commencing a slow rock of his hips.
“Mmmh, Saint…”
“Tell me what happened, Beauty.”
“I told them about you.”
He hit my bottom then, causing me to wince from the pleasure tinged with pain.
“And?” He rocked.
“And they were…”
“They were bitches about it,” he summed, causing my heart to falter a bit. The fact that he knew my plight with my friends gutted me. He’d been exposed to ignorance and unkindness frequently.
“Yes, and I just don’t want to think about them with you inside meeeee,” I crooned to his increased rhythm. I made a mental note to take a Plan B –just in case– since we’d been so leisurely with ourselves.
“Okay,” he resigned, stroking harder, wilder, and shorter and causing me to lose my breath for the umpteenth time today. “Let me fuck you until you forget.”
With the sun piercing through the clouds and the seagulls announcing their presence, I loaded my boat with all the equipment required for Victoria’s dive. Today, we would be going twice the depth of her initial dive, and the experience would be much different than the first plunge.
When she approached the boat, I assisted her in her entry, watching as she took a seat.
“Do you remember what we need to do first?” I quizzed, waiting for her to gather her surroundings.
“Oh! Yeah. Equipment check.” She stood and headed over to our oxygen tanks and began checking the breathing apparatus and breathing gas supply. Once that task was complete, she checked the hoses and O-rings. Afterward, she inspected the fins, masks, and snorkels. We went through assembling the gear together and did the classic buddy check to ensure both our equipment functioned as needed.
After agreeing on a dive time and depth of twenty meters, we dressed in our wetsuits, and I powered up the boat to take us out into the ocean.
“Aight, so technically, I’m not a dive instructor. I’m not about to make you do all that shit where you have to tread the water, swim behind the boat, and prove your swimming capabilities. This is all for the experience. Okay?”
“You’re diving, too, right?” She asked, slightly nervous.
“Of course, Beauty. Now listen, the ocean is home to marine life. Don’t be surprised if you see something. Don’t freak out. Don’t splash and flail around. Follow my lead once we go under, aight?”
“Wait, are these shark waters?”
“Tori, sharks live in the ocean. This area isn’t necessarily known to have shark inhabitants, but just remember, you’re a guest in their home. Not the other way around.”
She swallowed before pulling her goggles over her head. “Okay…”
“Don’t worry, Beauty. I won’t let anything happen to you. Remember to equalize your ears once you’re under and then do the same for your mask by...”
“Blowing out my nose.”
“Good. How many atmospheres of pressure will we be under today?”
“Good. Remember, trust your diving instructor, and take the plunge.” With my body hoisted over the edge of the boat, I waited for her to follow suit. Once she was positioned, we both held our noses and dived into the water.
With my body immersed in the water, I took the necessary steps to adjust my ears and clear the water from my goggles. Once I was fully situated in the water, I looked to my left and right, only to find that Tori was still close to the surface. She needed to regulate her buoyancy. Part science and part art, it would take several dives before she fully understood it.
I swam to where she was and assisted her with the task. Once complete, she was able to swim deeper. As we journeyed down, I noticed a school of fish passing by and pointed them out to Tori. Her eyes widened with excitement as we continued our adventure, and I was glad to see it.