Page 69 of Saint
“Why are they here? I just left them. What–Waiting for me?”
“Yeah. Go and get dressed. I settled on cream and blush as the colors. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Saint, did you arrange a wedding ceremony?”
“No, Beauty. You told me you didn’t want that,” he laughed. “I wanted to respect your wishes and honor your desire for a celebration. Outside, all of our friends and family are joined to celebrate us. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”
“Baby, I mind,” I whined, throwing my arms around him.
“Victoria, please go get dressed so we can start the festivities.”
“Are you–will you be okay with all the ruckus?” I probed, knowing he was sensitive to crowds and noise.
“I’m on my meds. If it becomes too much, I’ll find the nearest exit.”
Saint made the decision to get on antianxiety medication after several more sessions with his psychiatrist. He was always calm, but the medication seemed to assist with the sensory processing disorder. He’d become more social, though he still preferred the stillness of our quiet beach home. It made the gesture of a wedding reception so much more special. He’d gone out of his way–even if it meant him being uncomfortable– to do something special for me.
“Okay,” I nodded, rubbing his arms up and down –less to soothe him and more for me. “Okay.”
Dressed in a flowy, blush pink chiffon gown with a plunging halter, I grazed over my reflection. The twenty-four-inch wig with cut bangs suited my face. I finished the look with a brown lip liner and a pink gloss that complemented my complexion. Lash extensions were already attached to my lids for the next few weeks. I didn’t require much else. Matching Ferragamo sandals completed the attire. I was home. Comfort was the objective.
My heart spilled over with love. The joy dwelling inside me overwhelmed my bones. There was a moment in the bedroom where I just… cried. My tears assisted in releasing the excess of rich emotion. The remainder of them would be shared with our company awaiting my presence on the beach.
The events of the past year had all conspired to this day. From the moment my feet touched Komodo Island, my world began to shift, beginning and ending with the man whose last name I now shared. There was no doubt in my mind that we would prevail as we journeyed through life together.
I exited the bedroom to find Saint advancing down the hall. “I’m coming. I’m coming,” I announced the conclusion of my delay.
“You coming or you cumming?” With a mischievous smirk, Saint posed the question as he corned me against a wall. I could feel the growing rigidness between his legs. Pressing his frame into me, he emphasized the effect I reigned over him.
“We have guests waiting. I’ll cum later,” I vowed, planting a kiss on his lips and causing him to groan.
Freeing me from my enclosure, he collected my hand, and we made our way outside. A massive, clear marquee tent was situated steps away from the ocean. Adorned in cream-colored drapes, I hardly noticed the inside, nodding at Sam and a few other men in our security detail who were situated outside.
Orchids, roses, and peonies greeted us as we made our way to enter. Professional lighting was installed on the ceiling. Chandeliers adorned the space as well. Our initials were etched in the center of the floor, with two long tables on both sides.
It was a dream.
The best part of that dream was an excess of familiar faces that stood awaiting us. From an inconspicuous corner, a DJ announced our arrival, causing the room to erupt in applause. Saint led us to the middle of the room, where the chords for K-Ci & Jojo’s All My Life commenced. Saphyre and her backup singers’ voices came over the speaker as Saint pulled me close.
“Saint, is she here? You got Saphyre to sing at our reception?”
“Girl, come on,” he chuckled, positioning my hands. “Let’s get this dance over with.”
Remembering his discomfort with crowds, I wrapped my arms around my man and allowed him to lead us in the dance. As cameras flashed, he pulled me closer and gripped my body tighter. The rise and fall of his chest told me he was breathing deeply.
“Are you okay, Saint?” I questioned, concerned about his comfort.
“I have the most beautiful, talented woman in my arms, in my heart, in my corner, and in my bed. I’m on top of the world, Beauty.”
As we continued to sway, I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed his lips. “Thank you. Thank you for doing this for me.”
“I’d do anything for you, Beauty. Don’t you ever forget that.”
Once we finished our dance, we broke into the small crowd of family, friends, and coworkers, offering well wishes to our union.
From a distance, I spotted Luna waving at me as she approached. Her ample hips swayed violently in the dress she wore. Unlike my slender frame, my friend was a beautiful, bountiful woman.