Page 17 of Angel of Mercy
I nod but am reluctant to get out of bed completely naked. Roberta goes to the closet, takes out a robe, and brings it over, holding it up for me. I decide that this is something she's probably used to.
It makes me think back to the castles I’ve visited in Europe in which I learned that much of the king’s daily routine included sitting on the pot while his staff went through his day with him and then helped him dress. I'm not going to go as far as to have Roberta watch me go potty or wipe my butt, but I think I can manage getting out of bed naked and have her help me put on a robe.
I take my time in the shower, making sure the pretty scented soap is leathered all over my body. I wash my hair, knowing it will take extra time to dry it but wanting to look perfect for my first official dinner in Luca’s home.
When I exit the shower, I put the robe back on and set about cleansing my face so I can put on new makeup. I pull the towel from my head, brushing out my hair. I find a blow dryer and dry my hair until it's only slightly damp. I put in mousse, scrunching my hair all over to get nice, soft, natural waves.
I leave the bathroom and find a beautiful emerald dress lying on the bed. Next to it are a matching pair of bra and panties and a pair of black stiletto heels. An erotic chill slides through me at the idea of Luca removing them from my body later tonight. I put on the garments and the dress, then look at myself in the mirror. I look good. I hope Luca agrees.
A few moments later, Roberta enters, taking a long look at me and giving a nod of approval.
"Ti sta aspettando,” she says. I'm pretty sure that means that Luca is waiting for me.
I slip on the heels and follow her out of my room and down the stairs. She guides me to an area of the house that I'd only glanced at earlier. She opens the double doors. The room is lit with candles on the table, and soft music plays.
Across the room, Luca is standing, his back to me as he looks out the window. As I enter, he turns and my breath stalls in my lungs. He is dressed in a dark suit, and his hair is slicked back. He looks powerful and sexy. Like an Italian James Bond.
He smiles as he walks toward me. "You are beautiful, Mio Angelo." He puts his hands on my arms and leans in, kissing me on one cheek, and then the other. "Are you hungry?"
Hunger is an understatement. "I'm famished."
He smiles and guides me toward the table, holding my chair out as I sit. He says something to Roberta in Italian that I think means we’re ready to eat.
He sits at the head of the table, and for a moment, I feel like a queen. I grew up in elegance and luxury, but there's something different about it in a home built hundreds of years ago and chock-full of history. Here it feels like royalty, not just riches.
A few moments later, a servant arrives with the aperitivo of prosecco and nuts. Luca holds up his glass. "Welcome home, Aria."
I have dueling emotions from his words, excitement and at the same time, fear. Is this really going to be my home?
Until now, this has been a big adventure, but I realize that my decision has set a new course for my life. I remind myself that this is what I want. I click my glass with his.
"Are you well?” he asks.
"Yes." I worry that his question is leading to asking about our encounter this afternoon. Is he going to ask me about being a virgin?
"So, you're settling in?"
I nod with relief that I don't have to talk about my virginity. Maybe he didn't notice.
As each course of the meal comes, our conversation becomes easier and easier, like it had been on our outings in New York. We talk about anything and everything, although nothing of real consequence except to learn a little bit about each other. His favorite color is green, which is why I suspect I'm wearing an emerald dress.
Having napped for so long, I worry about being able to sleep tonight, but as the eighth and last course of the meal, the digestivo of limoncello arrives, I’m feeling full and lethargic.
Luca rises from his chair, coming to stand next to me, holding out his hand. "Come with me. I have a surprise."
I grin and probably look like a silly schoolgirl. "I don't need surprises."
He smiles as he leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. "But I like giving them to you all the same." He loops my arm through his, escorting me out of the dining room and to the stairs. When we reach the landing, instead of heading in the direction of my room, we go across the hall and enter an expansive suite. I thought my room was rich and decadent, but this room is definitely fit for a king.
"This is your room now, Aria." His eyes stare at me intently, as if he’s wanting me to understand this is a statement, not a question. I don't have a choice, not that I want one.
Sure, the feminist in me feels he should ask me if I want to share a room with him. But the woman in me is all gooey inside at the idea of going to bed and waking up in the morning next to this man. It's crazy considering how little I really know him.
Even the memory of his brutality toward that strange man this afternoon can't take away the feeling that I've just entered a dream.
I give him my best flirty smile. "Is it time for bed?"
He laughs, and it's free and beautiful. "In due time, Mio Angelo. First…" He takes my hand and guides me to an ensuite bathroom that is almost as large as my entire bedroom back at Niko’s.