Page 20 of Chains
He’d talked my ear off about it for a long time before it became a reality, just like Ink’s tattoo parlour, it’s come to fruition.
“Best decision we’ve made opening up a gym in Briar Creek. We’ve also been getting customers in from Cullville.” Pride beaming on his face as he turns to look at me. Instinctively, I know what’s coming next, bracing myself.
“I was thinking Chains here could give me a hand now that he’s out of the slammer. With the customers and all,” Ky says, a wide smile on his face. I can see the pride beaming from him. He’s finally achieved something not connected to his old man. Even though the gym is under the umbrella of the DCMC, he’s the outright owner.
“Sure, he’s got nothing better to do. Have you, brother?” Kick smirks in my direction, knowing me too well. I was planning on spending time with Zoe, but now they’ve nixed that idea.
“Just to finish up,” the Prez adds, “for those who weren’t listening,” Kick gives me a pointed look. “Kon will let us know where to find the asshole once he’s locked down a specific location.” I wanted to roll my eyes, but kept my mouth shut.
Would Kick’s true blood brother be that willing to give up the scumbag’s current location without going after him himself first?
Kon has been like a second father to Zoe, as he and Max have been close friends for years. After what Caleb did to her, I thought he’d go off and hunt him down himself. But I was glad he was sharing intel with us.
He helped us out the last few times we needed him, after all. Every one of us, even him, was ready to string Caleb up by his balls.
I needed a cigarette to calm my rattled nerves, and I was counting down the minutes when I could finally leave this room.
“Everyone dismissed.” Kick calls out, his all-seeing eyes zeroing in on me, and I know I won’t be making a quick escape when he orders.
“Chains, stay back,” he tells me.
I sigh deeply, knowing what was coming. “Aww, come on Prez, Ky’s leaving for the gym soon.” I plead, but all I get is silence. When the room finally empties, he tells me to sit back down, to which I do.
“What the fuck’s goin’ on with you?” he demands to know.
I’ve never talked back to the president of the DCMC since I became a prospect all those years ago, but he was being an asshole, and I was ready to explode since being released from prison weeks ago.
“Oh, I don’t know, Prez. I guess it’s the couple of months I did in prison for something I didn’t do that’s got to me.” I bark, and immediately regret it, when I see the look of surprise at my tone, and then the narrowing of Kick’s eyes. We stare each other down. I’m unwilling to admit I was wrong, and I’m sure Kick’s thinking up ways of skinning me alive for my insubordination.
Finally, I’m the first to back down, lowering my head sheepishly.
“I’m sorry, brother. But with all due respect, you’re not my old man, and it’s got nothin’ to do with you.” I tell him, and move to stand up. I’m not ready to sit down with him and sing kumbaya after everything my ex-best friend did to me and Zoe. He’s my brother in the club, but he’s not my damn old man. I got away from one crazy son of a bitch; I don’t need another.
Hurt, then anger transform Kick’s face, and he pulls back. I should feel bad for saying what I did. And I do, but it’s out, and I can’t take it back now.
“I’m not your old man, asshole. But I am your President, and your disrespect could earn you an ass whooping or worse. Expulsion from the club. I’ll let it slide for now, but that was your one and only chance. Now get the fuck outta here.” Kick growls, dismissing me.
Feeling like a total asshole, I walk out into the main area of the clubhouse, where I find Ky sitting at the bar, chatting up a sweet butt. He’s only a few years younger than me, but we have the most in common, and we’ve become firm friends and brothers over the years.
He sees me and shoos away the sweet butt before sauntering in my direction.
“My old man, drag you over the hot coals?” he drawls. I can’t help but chuckle.
“Yeah, Something like that. Come on, I’m excited to see this gym of yours.”
We get on our bikes, and I express my gratitude to the brothers in the club for looking after mine for the last couple of months. I make a mental note of apologizing to Kick for my behavior earlier, but right now I need to ride. To feel the wind and the freedom riding gives me.
I was putting the finishing touches to my PB&J sandwich, closing the two pieces in a flurry when I look up and see Lexie staring at me from her perch on the couch. Rolling my eyes, I take a huge bite, chomping down on the delicious goodness and moaning, just to piss her off.
It’s been almost a month since I’ve come here to stay with Lexie, and so far, things are going great.
We’ve spent a lot of time together, but she works as a bartender at the DCMC bar come strip club at night, so I have to entertain myself at those times.
She’s invited me to come along with her a few times, but the thought of going out to crowded places makes me break out into a cold sweat. Physically, I’ve healed almost completely since the attack; the bruises having faded. The only thing that has bothered me is the ugly scar on my stomach.