Page 30 of Chains
“Ahhh, yes, I’m here. Sorry to bother you, but I didn’t know who else to call.”
Instinctively, I knew he was on high alert, even on the phone. “You know you can call me anytime. What’s happened, baby girl? Are you okay?”
A gush of moisture made the crotch of my bathing suit wet with his endearment, and I couldn’t help the smile that touched my face. What would he say if he knew?
“Are you busy? I’d like to see you. I’ll explain everything when you get here.”
“Never too busy for you, little one. I’ll be there in an hour.”
With plenty of time on my hands to wait for Chains to arrive, I return to my bedroom and change back into the dress I had on before I went swimming. There was no way I was going to greet him in my swimwear.
Sitting on the sofa, I bring the cat close to me as it purrs, and I feel my eyes close. Snapping back open when I hear a sharp tapping at the door. Checking the time, I couldn’t believe I’d been napping for an hour. Rising to my feet, cradling the kitten in my arms, I make my way towards the front door.
Before I can even ask who it is, Chains' familiar voice calls out, “Baby girl, it’s me.”
Throwing open the door, uncaring if I look like a fool, and then wrap my arm, not holding the kitten around him.
“Woah there, little one. Are you okay?” he asks, his eyes darkening as he takes in my appearance in the soft summer wrap dress. His voice laced with concern. It’s then the kitten tries to swat him with its paw, and I can’t help but giggle.
“What ya got there?” he asks, sauntering farther into the room. Motioning toward the little fluff ball.
Trying not to blush at the way I’d just thrown myself at the man, but the heat I feel in my cheeks tells me I’ve failed.
“I found this poor thing in the garden when I was coming back from my swim.” I tell him without thinking. His eyes go wide, but then he frowns when he notices the tiny scratch on my arm.
“The cat do that?” he demands, motioning toward the scratch. Not giving me a chance to reply, he adds. “You went swimming? Alone?”
I realize too late I should’ve kept quiet about going swimming. Shrugging, playing it off as nothing even though it stings a little, I let the kitten down on the floor.
I deliberately ignore his question, and am happy that he lets me when I ask,
“Would you like a coffee? I was going to make myself one before I got distracted by the kitten.” My stomach choosing that moment to make a statement and growl loudly. And I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. So embarrassing.
“Seems that’s not all you forgot.” Chains chimes in. Lifting a large paper bag in his hand that I hadn’t noticed until now.
“Har, har.” I reply. Taking the bag from him and ripping into it, placing the still hot pastries on a plate with a long black coffee for him and a coffee with milk and sugar for me.
“So, tell me, little one. Why did you want me here?”
“I need to take the kitten to the vet, have it checked over, and maybe get some supplies for it. I have no idea where I’d find a vet, though.”
“I’m here with my sled, how we gonna carry this ball of fluff?”
“I’ll put her inside my jacket. She should be fine.” I tell him with a shrug.
Chains shakes his head. “You need to hold on to me, you’ll be pressed to my back. I’ll take her in my jacket.” He assures me as if putting kittens into his cut is an everyday occurrence.
But just the thought of this big, badass, and pierced biker carrying the little kitten inside his cut melts my heart.
Without preamble, he picks up the ball of fur, tucking it gently inside his cut and zipping it up. Then he looks at me.
“You need to change; I’m not riding with you on my sled dressed like that. No matter how much I like it.” His eyes landed on my chest, and I blushed profusely before turning on my heel and darting back up to my room. The sound of his laughter following me all the way.
I quickly dressed in a black body-hugging tank top, black jeans, and a leather jacket I bought but never had the opportunity to wear. Fluffing my hair with my fingers, I debated putting on makeup, but decided against it since Chains already saw me without.
I take a deep breath and head back to the living room, noticing his ice-blue eyes following me.
“Whether dressed in a demure summer dress or as a badass biker chick, you’re fucking gorgeous, and I’m kicking myself for ever letting you go,” he growls.