Page 50 of Chains
“You know I love you, baby.” She whines, practically rubbing her scantily clad body against him, and I can’t help but scoff.
She’s been a thorn in the kid’s side since they met, but to him it was only just for fun, I knew this because he would come to me and ask for advice. But for Candy, it was a different story; I knew she desperately wanted to be a part of an MC, and I wouldn’t put it past her to poke holes in the condoms. Or sleep with the best friend to get pregnant.
“That little skank.” Sage growls. “I knew that there was something not quite right about that girl. But she’s been on her best behavior until now, or so I thought.” Sage and Lexie would’ve thrown themselves right into the fray if Tiny hadn’t put a restraining hand on his woman’s arm when it looked like the other woman was going to go all ninja on Candy’s ass.
“Let Spider handle it. He needs to man up and not have others run interference all the time.” Tiny says and Sage reluctantly relaxes.
I nod my head, agreeing with my brother’s assessment of the situation. “Tiny’s right. As of tonight, both are members of the DCMC, they need to know how to handle issues as they arise. Between themselves and in the club.”
Lexie takes a deep breath and then sags against the chair she was sitting in.
“You’re absolutely right. Just feel bad for the guy,” she replies.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse. Spider is the one who launches himself at Snake, catching him in the jaw with a right hook.
The women at the table gasp and get to their feet, horror written all over their faces, as Spider pounds Snake while still on the ground.
I’m just about to go over there and break things up myself when a loud voice booms.
“Stop right fuckin’ now.” Everyone, including the two on the ground, freeze. The crowd parts, and Kick appears, his facial expression dark and menacing. Everleigh behind him, a look of shock, worry and horror on her face when she realizes what’s happening. But when she sees that Candy’s involved, her face morphs into one of anger, and I know she would’ve gone all Mama Bear on the bitch's ass. Her hands on her hips, as she looks between her son Snake and Candy.
“What the fuck’s goin’ on here?” Kick demands of the two, as he grabs Spider by his cut, dragging him off the other kid, who’s now bleeding profusely from his nose, throwing him against the bar.
“I could hear your fuckin shouting from my office. Don’t make me fuckin’ regret allowing both of you to be patched in.”
Neither kid said a word as Candy ran to her man’s side, trying to comfort him. Meanwhile, Spider was trying to extricate himself from the octopus. I would’ve laughed had the situation not been so serious. As it was, I stayed silent.
“Bear!” Kick hollers, our Treasurer reluctantly appears by Kick’s side. “Hold your boy up, would ya? Let’s get to the reason you’re both here. Then maybe this one,” he motions to Snake, trying to stem the bleeding from his nose as Bear props him up, “can take the rest of the night to sleep, whatever that was off.”
Bear nods curtly, whispering something to Snake no one else can hear, who tries to stand taller, but keeps sagging. He would’ve fallen had Bear not being holding him up.
“Now, getting back to the reason we’re all here.” In his hand were two leather cuts, on the back, the top rocker reads Devil’s Carnage MC, while the bottom rocker reads Briar Creek, Texas, with their road names patched on the front.
“Congratulations, son. You’re a patched member of the Devil’s Carnage MC. Get those sewn on ASAP.” He hands his member patches and the cut to his son and with almost pure reverence, he puts on the cut, smiling widely, even with a cut above his right eye from the fight with Snake. Kick shakes his head, handing Bear Snake’s cut as deafening whoops and hollers ring out around the room, and everyone mills around both kids.
“One more thing. I never want to see any of my brothers beating each other up in the clubhouse ever again.” A warning look passes between the two newest members and their president. “Either of you, regardless if one of you is my son.” The warning was unmistakable, and both boys nodded. “Now, let’s celebrate.”
Just as the music turns back on, the front door to the clubhouse swings open, shock registering on all the members and ol’ ladies faces when in walks Ella, a girl we rescued a while back from Jose Ramos’s compound while we were searching for Sage and Tiny’s little boy Jax. When we found her, Jose had her chained to a wall in the basement, left her naked and malnourished.
Standing there with a tentative smile on her lovely face, she looked so much different to the broken young girl that had left here almost two years ago.
Sage squeals, knocking over her chair as she gets to her feet, rushing towards the younger woman. As does Everleigh.
“Who’s that? I don’t think I’ve met her.” Zoe asks, watching the scene play out, as Spider finally spies Ella, as does Candy, the other woman’s face contorting in rage.
“What’s that bitch doing here?” She screeches, and Spider has to hold her back from attacking the other girl.
“Touch her and I won’t be responsible for my actions.” Spider spits at Candy, adding in unconcealed disgust. “Take this and go. I honestly really don’t give a shit where you go, maybe give my ol’ friend Snake a pity fuck, you and he deserve each other. But you won’t be returning to my bed. That’s for damn sure. Oh, and say goodbye to your little girl.”
Spider threatens, as he throws a wad of cash at her, Candy scrambling on her hands and knees onto the floor as she collected the money. He turns on his heel and walks out, Candy running after him.
“That is a big headache for our newest patched member.” I reply, chuckling.
“He obviously has some deep feelings for this new girl,” Zoe surmises, and I look at her in surprise.
“How do you know that?” I can’t help but ask, though I’ve grown tired of talking about my new brother’s love life, which was playing out in color for the entire club to witness.
“A blind man could see the way he looked at her when she walked in. Even though he barely acknowledged her when he walked out.”