Page 58 of Chains
“Please tell me that’s not who I think it is.” I grind out. But I already know the answer before Knox confirms it.
“That’s the fucker Caleb.” he says matter-of-factly, like he was stating the scores for the last football game.
“Motherfucker!” I growl out. Has Bear been playing us this whole time?
“Where’s the fucker now?” Kick demands.
Knox lifts a brow. “Caleb? No idea.”
“Not motherfuckin’ Caleb; Bear.” Our President roars. I watch Snake closely, noticing the shock on his face, before a look of horror and disgust replaces it. He may have had nothing to do with Zoe going missing, but there’s no way any of the brothers will trust him after what his ol’man has done. His time at the Briar Creek chapter is over. I want to march over and wrap my hands around his throat and watch the life slip away from him. If he’s worked with Bear to pull this off, he’s finished in this club for good.
Our tech guy audibly swallows, and I can see his Adam’s apple bob. Kick’s usually a laid-back President, but when he gets pissed, you best stay out of his way.
“His phone tells me he’s at his house.”
Kick pins us all with a dark stare. “Brothers, tonight we ride, but first, I want to know what the fuck you knew about what your fuckin’ ol’man was up to.” He looks across at our newest patch, who's shrunk inside himself. His eyes are wide, a terrified look in their depths.
Without thinking, I jump to my feet, crowding the kid against the wall. I feel no pity for him, if he’s part of what happened to Zoe, he’ll pay, just as Caleb and Bear will.
“I had nothing to do with what my dad was up to, I swear.”
I turn to look at Spider, to gauge his reaction to me beating on his best friend. The look on his face is cold and indifferent. I shake my head, and before Snake can catch his breath, I slam my fist into his face, dislodging his glasses.
“Where’s Zoe?” I demand, getting a handful of his hair, pulling his head up, snarling in his face.
He’s wheezing and panting, and I’m taken aback when he genuinely seems confused.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grunts.
“Don’t bullshit me. I know you know about your old man being in cahoots with Zoe’s husband.” I growl, getting in the kid’s face.
I go to punch him again, knocking his glasses off his face as they sit lopsided on the bridge of his nose.
“That’s enough.” Kick calls out, his chair scraping against the concrete floor as he gets to his feet. I stop immediately, looking over at our President.
“Please, Prez.” the kid begs of Kick, snot and tears running down his cheeks. If I was a softer man, I might even feel sorry for the kid—but I’m not and I don’t.
“I honestly know nothing about anything my father’s involved in.” He beseeches our President.
“Let him go.” Kick orders me. My brows rise past my hairline when I look at him, but I do as he instructs, and Snake slides down the wall onto the floor on his ass.
“This is your first and final warning. I’m gonna get in touch with Ax at the Washington chapter. He’s gonna do me a solid, and take you in, you’re going to keep your nose clean. If I find out you had anything to do with Zoe’s disappearance, or if you start any trouble over there, I’ll personally make the trip to Washington just to dump your dead ass for the buzzards to pick your eyeballs out of your fuckin head. And warn your father we’re comin’ I’ll shoot you myself.” He warns on a snarl.
“Pack ya shit. You’re leaving tonight. Now get the fuck gone.”
The kid nods and quickly makes his escape. It’s when he closes the door behind him that all hell breaks loose.
“You’re letting him go?” I accuse, tightening my hands into fists at my sides.
Kick hits the gavel, adjourning Church before sending me a warning look.
“Do not question my decisions,” he grounds out as he passes me, “this is what I’ve decided and that’s final.” He places a hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eye. I want to argue more, but I know there’s no point when our President decides something that’s it.
“We’ll bring your woman home. I promise you that.” He tells me. I nod in thanks, and hope she can hang on just a bit longer.
We file out of the meeting room, and I storm outside to my sled, uncaring of the rain that’s pelting down. I’ve ridden in wet conditions before; finding Bear and getting my woman back won’t stop me. I’m ready to get this shit over and done with.
How did we not see it? And what’s the fucking connection between Bear and Caleb? So many unanswered questions were swirling in my head.