Page 80 of Our Sadie
Sadie doesn’t answer him. Instead, she propels herself up into a seated position. “Anyone interested in playing a game?”
She has this glimmer in her eye, the one that means she’s up to something more impish than usual. We all dutifully give in. It is what we’re here for.
“Anyone have a timer?” she inquires next, and though Jerome’s brows bunch, he reaches for his phone.
“What if I rode each of you to see who’ll last the longest?” A rosy color darkens her complexion. I get the feeling that Sadie likes being risqué but still isn’t as brave about it as she craves to be.
But that has been altering, bit by bit.
Narrowing my gaze at a wide-eyed Zach and a confident-looking Jerome, I flick a glance over to Sadie. “I’m in it to win it.”
“Speaking of winning,” Jerome chimes in, leaning over me to circle her nipple over her nightgown. “Is there a prize?”
“How about the winner gets to see the waterfall?” She poses this as a suggestion, but I’m not the only one confused.
“There’s a waterfall around here?” Zach asks.
“Yes. On the far northeast corner of the property. It’s part of the reason my dad bought the Starlight Chalet.”
“And we’re just now hearing about this because...” Jerome prompts her. He doesn’t sound miffed or anything. That’s not how he rolls. Just curious.
“Let’s just say traveling over there in the winter is enchanting and divine. But it’s also freezing. There’s no easy way to get there without being in danger of falling in. It’s more of a summer activity. So, there’d have to be some delayed gratification involved.”
“Well, I don’t know about these two, but I can delay my gratification, no problem,” Jerome’s flirting style is smooth as silk. Fucker.
“I bet I can delay even longer,” I throw down the gauntlet. I’ve never been to a waterfall, but I’ve wondered what it’d be like.
Sadie shoves her nightgown over her head. “Guess it’s time to determine who’ll be going, then.”
She chooses me as her first player, and while I know I can outlast everyone else, that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy. At least not with Jerome. I’d never refer to Zach as a two-pump chump, but even if his longevity has been getting better, we still have him beat.
Once Sadie crawls aboard, the other two assisting her, it takes me less than two minutes to wring a climax out of her. At this point, we all have this down to a fine science. We’ve learned her body, her likes, and her dislikes well.
I decide to see this as a cycle in the gym and really give her the business. I pound into her from below like a machine, making her come not once, not twice, but three fucking times. In the end, I make it all the way to twenty-two minutes, thirty-three seconds, which is a miracle because when her pussy is milking me, it takes all I’ve got to hold on.
“Top that,” I pant out. And Jerome almost does. But I wind up shutting him out by nineteen seconds. Thin margin, that’s for sure.
When it’s Zach’s turn, Jerome goes to the opposite side of the mattress and sits crossed-legged with his phone timer app in hand, leaning forward like he’s the guy’s coach.
“Come on, man. You can do this. Wipe that smug-ass expression off Dom’s face,” he cheers Zach on, and I snort at them.
“Waterfall, here I come.”
Zach braces himself as Sadie impales herself on him, his voice tight. I’ve so got this. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”
Jerome also had Sadie coming three times—okay, we might still be somewhat competitive—while Zach gets her there once in twenty minutes. But I’m getting more nervous. He shouldn’t have made it this far. But he has. Worse, he’s still going, even if he sounds like he’s being tortured.
“Holy shit. Just fuck...” he complains, or really I suppose this is him expressing how good she feels. Sadie’s pussy is a dream, and her backside is heaven.
I can’t decide which is better. Zach probably won’t ever know. That thick-as-fuck cockhead of his is too big for her to comfortably accommodate, though she’s taken Jerome’s nine inches partway. I might not be the hugest of them, but my upward-tilted shape has its benefits.
But that’s when Zach surpasses my best time and goes all the way to twenty-three minutes, two seconds.
Yeah, I was looking forward to that waterfall, but it’s more the principle of the thing. A twenty-two-year-old kid outdid me. Sure, he’s an athlete, but up till now, being able to move around a pole like a member of the Cirque de Soleil hasn’t provided him any real endurance in the sack. But it seems that has changed.