Page 92 of Our Sadie
IT’S SEVERAL DAYS LATER that I sit at my laptop editing and revising this upcoming contract. Or rather, the end of it. After a year of being united as closely as we have been, when we sat down to discuss it together, we decided our relationship no longer needs the formality of legalese. We’re solid without it.
Regardless, I shift wretchedly in my seat leaning this way and that. I’m uncomfortable for a good cause, though. I’m wearing a plug in a very distinct region of my anatomy, and my backside is protesting. It’s making it hard to concentrate, but after taking a breath, I refocus. I’ve been training myself to cope because I know it’ll be worth it.
Besides, I’m the one who requested this of my guys.
My men.
While the formal contract is about to expire, one thing that won’t are the funds I’ve set up to be directly deposited into various accounts. There’s one designated for the Serenity Adult Care Home, one for the healthcare expenses of Heidi Neihaus, and one for the counseling of Malcolm Oakley as he attempts to quit drinking.
Financially supporting the loved ones of those I love is the least I can do.
Not that the guys aren’t contributing, as well. With the payments I’ve made to them, they’ve each pursued their own interests. Dom is using his carpentry skills to design wood furniture, something he’s discovered himself to have a remarkable talent in. And I’m delighted to see each new piece he comes up with.
Jerome has become a director of one of the theaters here in the city, and no, nothing about these plays are X-rated. All his experience in front of the camera, even if it was for a very specific kind of film, gave him the rudimentary background he needed to handle live plays. He does a great job, and more importantly, he’s enjoying it.
Zach, too, is utilizing his past strengths.
Like his parents, he’s teaching, and now conducts pole dancing classes at one of the local rec centers five days a week. The fascinating thing is that he instructs various age groups—all adults—and one of them is for those sixty-five and older. It’s his favorite because they’re so willing to try anything he shows them. As always, Zach’s main focus is having fun, something I hope he never changes.
I’m so proud of them all.
We’ve each met each other’s nearest and dearest now, too.
Paisley is a bundle of joy, and Dom is different with her than with anyone else. Watching him sign to his sister and laugh with her is a perfect example of what unconditional love should look like.
After struggling for the last several years, Heidi—Zach’s mom—at last went into remission three months ago. She still has some trouble getting around at times, but her condition has stabilized for now. It’s all her son and husband could’ve asked for.
Malcolm is so much like his son that meeting him made me understand Jerome better. He has the same mannerisms, the same Zen-like demeanor, even a similar tone of voice. It’s uncanny.
Because I’ve bonded so closely with Dom, Jerome, and Zach, I now have a much larger extended family, and it’s wonderful. Even if many of these family members think the four of us are nothing but roommates.
But you can’t have everything.
Overall, this first year has gone exceptionally well. We’ve even taken a trip back to the chalet where Zach and I indulged in a bit of one-on-one at the waterfall this past July. I owed it to him.
Later, maybe we’ll return there as a foursome.
One thing we’ve been working toward is increased intimacy, and not just emotional intimacy—although we’ve been working on that just as much—but the physical kind.
It’s been my fantasy for quite a while to take the three of them in a specialized way we haven’t tried before, and it’s proven to be a challenge.
Yet we think we’ve figured it out.
Tonight is our trial run.
I beam at Zach as he twists and turns around his pole, demonstrating his athleticism and grace. He’s taught me how to swirl around that pole, too, and I’m thrilled at the fitness it’s provided me, toning my body more than ever before.
I admire him as he swings from a back arch to a back bend, switching into a carousel spin that increases his speed. After that, he touches down on the floor and finishes with a big fan kick—one leg extending out in an arc followed by the other—that displays how far he can stretch the length of his legs. Observing him doing this is like experiencing art in motion.
But it’s the fact that Dom and Jerome have also learned how to dance on their individual poles that has me so keen for what’s about to transpire. Because we’ve all been practicing, and this’ll be our grand opening show, even if we won’t have an audience.
I watch as the guys warm up by doing various spins and shoulder mounts. Once their blood is pumping, I join Zach by spinning close to the ground. I can accomplish some of these moves even though I have more limitations than anyone else. But since they’ll be the ones supporting me, my focus has mostly been my dexterity.
That and how to hang on.
Stark naked, we take our final places, Zach climbing further up his pole. Frankly, despite all our planning, this might not be feasible. But we’re going to make the attempt, anyway. What’s life without thinking outside the box?
Besides, my end goal is simple. Sex in midair.