Page 11 of Luke
“It’s fine. We can both use a good night’s sleep.”
Chapter Five
Luke stared at the ceiling in Paisley’s room. Garrett was just starting to stir but hadn’t cried yet and Paisley was curled into Luke’s side, her head on his chest and her leg draped across his. He burned this into his brain as the first moment he’d felt calm in months.
Paisley stirred and tensed. She must have realized where she was.
“You’re fine,” he whispered.
She jumped and pulled away. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to”—she waved her hand over his chest—“do that.”
He laughed. “I wasn’t complaining. Glad you were warm.” Luke sat up and put his feet on the floor. “I’ll take him. You get ready.” Luke hesitated a moment and stood. He wanted to kiss her, but it was too soon for that.
“Thanks,” she muttered.
Luke took Garrett out of his crib, talking sweetly to him. It was different to wake up with a baby, but he’d been loving it for the few days he’d been here.
“Your mama needs to rest today, bud,” he told Garrett. “We are going to make sure she does.”
He changed Garrett’s diaper and made him a bottle all before Paisley joined them.
“You’re getting the hang of it,” she told him.
Luke nodded. “I think so.” He was proud of himself for learning how to take care of his son.
Garrett finished his bottle, and Luke lifted him to his shoulder to burp him. He was happy to be able to feed him, but he did wonder why she hadn’t decided to breastfeed him since it was the cheaper option and he knew that she was pressed for money. He wasn’t ready to ask, though, worried questioning her choices might offend her.
“When he’s done, he needs some tummy time.” Paisley pulled a colorful mat out of a basket and spread it on the floor. “You lay him down on his stomach here so he can see the toys.”
Luke nodded as Garrett let out a large burp. “Guess he’s ready, then.”
He set him down on the floor and sat beside him. Garrett lifted his head up and smacked at the toys on the mat.
“Breakfast?” she asked him.
Luke nodded and lay down in front of Garrett. “I could eat.”
Paisley laughed. “I’m sure you could.”
He played with Garrett for a few minutes, until Paisley brought him a plate of food. “Thanks.” He sat up, taking i. “How much longer will he play like this?”
“Not much longer before he gets tired of it. He will roll over soon.” As soon as it was out of her mouth, Garrett did just that.
His focus had been mostly on Paisley since coming here. He’d paid attention to Garrett but hadn’t been able to fully enjoy having a son. He’d had months to process it, but now, being with him, that was a different level of realization.
“Is he healthy?” Luke wondered out loud.
Paisley took a bite of her food before answering, “He doesn’t have any medical issues. He was almost a month early, but overall, he’s doing great.”
“How was that? The birth?”
Paisley sighed and took her empty plate to the kitchen. “It was rough. I was in labor for a full day before we had to do a C-section. Then I couldn’t breastfeed him. He wouldn’t latch and I wasn’t making enough milk. That was the hardest part. I was worried about making the best decisions for him and my body failed at the things it needed to do for him.”
Luke stood and went to her, pulling her into his arms. “You didn’t fail.”
“I did. It’s okay. I’ve come to terms with it and I’m trying to be the best mom I can to him even with bottles instead of breast.”