Page 35 of Luke
“I’m done,” Paisley said as he walked in. “I can take him and change him.”
“I’ve got it,” he assured her and headed up the stairs.
He was grateful that as much as Paisley loved Garrett, she also understood that Luke did too and wanted to help. She didn’t get upset or push back when he wanted to be the one to take care of him.
“I think your mama actually likes me more than she wants me to know,” he told Garrett as he laid him down on the changing table.
In quick order, he had him cleaned, changed, and ready to go.
“Let’s go see if your mama wants to do something today to celebrate that now everyone knows what we knew all along.” Picking up Garrett, he held him close as he joined Paisley downstairs.
Chapter Sixteen
Luke took her and Garrett out for a nice lunch later that day. He said he wanted to do something to celebrate crossing the first hurdle.
The restaurant was nice, and it had been a long time since she’d been out for food. Probably since she was initially dating Luke. It was a welcome distraction from the day since she was waiting to hear back on how her proposal went this morning.
She was trying to get a full contract with this company that meant regular work and, in turn, regular pay. It had taken her a few days to build the presentation with her proposal in it, and she thought she would be relieved after presenting but it turned out that waiting was the hardest part.
Even though it would probably take days to hear back, she knew that if she wasn’t busy, she’d be checking her emails nonstop. Getting out of the house was a great way to distract herself.
“You’re doing it again,” Luke teased, rubbing his finger over the worry lines she had between her eyes.
She felt her face heat. “I’m trying not to think about it.”
“Just remember, you have what they need so if they don’t take you up on it, you still have it. It’s their loss.”
Paisley appreciated the words. “Is that what you do?”
He gave a short nod. “Absolutely. I know what they need and if they don’t want it, I’m moving on to someone who does. Not going to waste my time on someone that doesn’t see what’s in front of them.”
The smile that invaded her face couldn’t be stopped. That was exactly how she imagined Luke being, very take it or leave it.
“Oh my gosh! Luke?” A blonde woman came running over and threw her arms around Luke’s neck, practically smothering him with her cleavage.
He disentangled himself, gently pushing her away. “That was inappropriate,” Luke scolded the other woman. “I am at lunch with my fiancée and son. Please leave.” His tone left no room for arguments.
“Luke,” she whined, clearly unable to read the clues.
“I won’t say it again. I already asked you to leave us alone. If you continue to behave like this, I will have security remove you.” Luke straightened the cuffs on his shirt, not bothering to look back at the woman.
Paisley watched as indecision warred in the other woman. She was persistent, that much was clear, but she had to decide if the risk of further humiliation was worth it.
“Good luck with him. He will drop you one day for another woman too. It’s all he does,” she sneered at Paisley.
Luke put his hands on the table, preparing to stand. Paisley reached over, placing her hand on his as she looked at the woman.
“I don’t believe we know the same man,” Paisley explained. “Luke is a devoted father and fiancé, who I am proud to be here with. Clearly, you know what a great guy he is or you wouldn’t have run over like you did, embarrassing yourself in front of the whole restaurant by shoving yourself in his face with complete disregard for who he is with. I assure you, the problem isn’t him.”
She gaped at Paisley before storming off in a huff.
Luke’s quiet chuckle reached her ears. “Here I was worried you’d be mad at me for her doing that.”
“Did you call her over here?” Paisley asked, already knowing the answer.
“Of course not,” Luke scoffed.