Page 49 of Luke
“No. It seems he prefers to marry her off instead. Like when he made that threat, he hadn’t decided that she was valuable to him. She wouldn’t be if her academic reputation was ruined.”
“He definitely doesn’t think things through often,” she thought out loud.
“It’s a wonder he was ever successful with business because I have to agree. He doesn’t see all the angles and I don’t think he looks far enough ahead with anything. So far, it’s a benefit for us at least.”
“There is that,” Paisley agreed.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Two days flew by as Matt watched Mary’s movements and they got ready to meet her. Paisley stayed largely out of any plans they were making except for once when she said they shouldn’t all go at the same time because it might scare her.
While he agreed, it wasn’t safe otherwise. After talking to Cade and Ryker, they decided that they’d hang back but not far. Paisley had agreed to that and didn’t press anymore.
Garrett’s personality was really starting to shine through more and more over the last few days and Luke was thankful for the distraction that was providing. They were both so engrossed in Garrett that their troubles had remained at bay.
Luke still worried that Paisley might have another panic attack with everything happening. She hadn’t shown any signs of being that nervous or concerned, but he still kept a watchful eye on her.
Catherine was coming to get Garrett soon and she and Lauren were watching him along with Jake in case anything happened. It was great to have so many close friends ready to help out and make his family feel safe and protected.
“You almost ready?” Paisley asked.
Luke nodded as he took in her simple outfit of jeans and a graphic T-shirt that said caffeinate and continue on. It must have been from before she’d moved in because he’d never seen it.
“Nice shirt,” he commented, using it to pull her close.
“I know I have nicer clothes upstairs, but I don’t want to come off as trying to look like I’m better than her. It’s enough that I’m showing up with a fiancé that’s got more money than I can wrap my head around and his equally rich friends.”
“It’s not bad,” he assured her, rubbing a hand up and down her back. “You never need to hide that you are happy and doing well.”
“In this case, I think it’s better if I do.” She backed away from him to pick up Garrett. “I just want her to see the old me and maybe that will give her more reason to trust me.”
“It’s not a bad idea. I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“I don’t.” Bouncing Garrett on one hip, she looked back at Luke. “I want to do this.”
“I’m so ready for this to be done so we can move on.”
“So much same,” she agreed.
A distinct knock at the door had Luke going to answer it, knowing it was Catherine. She heard several people come in and waited in the living room for them to join them.
Surprisingly, April came in carrying an infant carrier.
“Oh my gosh.” Paisley squealed. “I didn’t know you were coming! How are you feeling?”
April smiled as she took the baby out. “I’m doing really well. I had to twist this one’s arm to let me out of the house.” She used her thumb to point at Cade.
“I’m just trying to keep you both safe.” He groaned.
“You aren’t safe for much longer if you don’t back off with your bubble wrap self,” she said while wagging a finger at him.
“Overprotective men are kind of a requirement of this group,” Catherine said.
“I can see that.” Paisley giggled, watching April stare down Cade who was really almost twice her size. “I think she can take him.”
Catherine threw her head back with startled laughter. “I agree. My brother will never see it coming.”