Page 6 of Luke
Now was the time to come clean, at least somewhat. “I have a baby with Paisley from the coffee shop.”
Ryker was silent. It was either because he was stunned or angry and neither were great options.
“Look, I’m trying to make everything right with everyone, but this is most important. Paisley’s sick. She sounds like shit, and I want to take her to the doctor which will involve plenty of arguing. I need someone to take care of little man that I can trust.”
“Yes, please!” Catherine squealed.
“What the fuck?” Ryker moaned.
“I didn’t know I was on speaker,” Luke said in his own defense.
“Bring him here, but before you can take him back, we need to talk,” Ryker said.
Luke agreed. He knew that Ryker would never hurt a baby so it was all talk.
“I planned to come to you guys this week. When I know more, can we just have everyone meet us?”
“Know more?” Ryker asked.
“About Paisley,” Luke clarified.
“I’m calling Cade and April anyway. I don’t know what to do with a baby. Maybe Jake and Lauren too if Catherine hasn’t already.”
“Okay. Ryker, thank you.”
They ended the call and Luke grabbed the diaper bag he’d noticed sitting on the counter and started shoving things in it. Enough formula for a few days, bottles, diapers, clothes, all of it. Before he woke up Paisley, he called a car to have it waiting for them downstairs. It was time for him to come out of hiding.
He tried to gently wake her up. “Paisley.”
“What?” She groaned and then started coughing.
“Come on, baby. We’re taking you to the doctor.”
“Garrett?” she called out for him again.
“He’s in his carrier thing in the living room. We need to get moving,” Luke urged. His thought was if he kept her moving fast enough, she wouldn’t be able to argue with him.
In under ten minutes, he had her ready and lead the way out the door. They only stopped long enough to lock it all the way.
“Where are we going?” Paisley asked as they rode.
“I’m taking Garrett to a friend of mine’s and then you to the doctor.”
“Who?” she demanded. “I’ve never been without him.”
“Paisley, I just want to take you to the doctor so you can get better. Nothing is going to happen to Garrett.”
“Who?” she demanded again.
“Ryker’s, but?—”
“Tall, tattoos, generally bad mood?” she asked.
“Yes, but likely all of my friends will be there because they had a head start on us. He will be in good company and well taken care of, I can promise you that.” Luke pled his case, but it wasn’t like she had much she could argue at this point anyway. “I wouldn’t take him anywhere I thought was dangerous.”
“You’re not taking him from me?” Her voice was small and quiet.
“Paisley, look at me. I’m not going to take him from you ever. I just want to take you to the doctor. I’d send you alone, but I doubt you’d go,” he joked.