Page 60 of Luke
“I’ll let him in.” Luke went to the door.
Cade was standing there before he opened it. “Sorry. I hit traffic.”
“No problem. We were waiting for you before we got started so we can get that going now. Her and Catherine have decided they are the fun aunts, though.”
Cade shook his head. “We’re in trouble.”
Luke chuckled and locked the door.
In the living room, Cade introduced himself again. Luke knew they had met when everyone was looking for him, but it didn’t hurt to do it again.
“So, siblings, huh?” Ashley asked.
“Actually, why don’t we start with the less dramatic stuff,” Cade said.
Catherine agreed and spoke next. “Cade and I talked it over and we already told Luke, but we wanted to ask you as well. Would you both like to change your last names to Hawkins? I know our father is ruining the name, but we wanted to show everyone that we are siblings and that we stand by you.”
“If you don’t want to, no hard feelings, but we wanted you to know how we felt about both of you and that we accept you no matter what,” Cade added.
Luke studied Ashley to get an idea of how she felt. He didn’t need to look hard as tears started to roll down her cheeks.
“Just like that? You don’t even know me,” Ashley said.
“Of course. You’re family no matter what,” Catherine told her.
As Catherine spoke, Luke noted the look that Ashley gave her bodyguard. That was something he’d have to unpack later, as now wasn’t the right time.
“Are you?” Ashley asked Luke.
He looked at Paisley who smiled back at him. “I’d like to, but only if you’re on board too.”
She nodded, wiping her tears away. “I want to.”
“That’s settled then,” Catherine said with a clap.
“Carter, why don’t you join us for the rest?” Ryker addressed the man in the corner. “This is relevant to your job protecting Ashley, as much as she’ll let you.”
He stepped into the fold and they began to go over everything they knew with Ashley and Carter listening in. It didn’t take long, as they didn’t know much, but they needed to plan and that was what this was all about.
“So, we know there’s a threat, but not what it is or who it might come from? So everyone it a threat?” Carter asked, summing it up pretty much perfectly and then pointing a glare at Ashley.
“Don’t start.” She sighed and leaned back in her seat.
“I’m just saying, it’s an actual concern. You need to follow the rules,” Carter pressed.
Luke winced, knowing that was going to set Ashley off.
“Rules?” Ashley shot up from her seat. “You don’t get to impose rules on me. You’re so busy worrying that you smother me until I have to sneak away to have a good time.”
“Clubs are dangerous,” Carter argued back.
“Then go and protect me. I’m not going to stop living my life on the off chance that something might or might not happen.”
“Ashley,” Catherine interrupted. “Do you know what happened to me?”
Ashley gave her an unsure look. “A little. Your dad tried to get some guy to marry you.”
“And then he broke into my house,” Catherine started.