Page 79 of The CEO Enemy
I can’t wait to tell Sean.
I grab my phone.
Drinks at 7? You in?
Not tonight.
Not in the mood to go out.
Gotcha. How about I grab dinner on the way? Any cravings?
You, in bed, covered in whipped cream. Fresh berries. Caramel sauce on top.
Naughty! I was thinking pizza, but your idea sounds definitely sweeter.
After work, I swing by my beloved NYC pizza place to grab a pie (his playful suggestion was just a teasing appetizer). When I get home, he’s not in yet, so I change into comfortable clothes, opting for a cozy pair of snuggly pants and a soft, oversized sweater.
While I wait for him, I spend time with Pippin.
He ruffles his feathers and nips at my finger a little harder than he normally does.
“I know, I know, buddy, I’m not Sean but your best new pal will be over soon,” I tell him when I take him out of his cage, stroking his cute feathery head. Pippin has been thrilled at Sean’s attention over the past weeks, and he’s taken to chirping every time he comes to visit. Seems like he’s the biggest fan of Sean. Well, not right off the bat, though. At first, Sean barely paid attention and Pippin outright turned his back on him. The first time he did it, I found it hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing. Now, they’re besties.
“Hey, can I tell you a secret?” I ask him. “I kinda like Sean, and I know he likes me too. Thinking about talking to him about putting a label on this thing and making it official—what do you think?”
Pippin chirps, completely disinterested in what I have to say as he hops around the back of the couch as he loves to do.
“I know it’s complicated…but the way things are going, I’m really happy, and I want to keep seeing him. Hopefully once I sell, that whole pressure from the board will be off his plate, and we can focus on making those changes we talked about. But mostly, I want to see where this goes. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a relationship, and I’m so ready to give it another try.”
I know he can’t respond, but talking to Pippin always makes me feel better. I know on some level he understands me, and when I reach out for him, he hops onto my finger and bumps his head against my chin when I go to kiss his beak.
In the hall I can hear the faint ding of the elevator, signaling Sean’s arrival.
My heart flutters in excitement.
I’m putting Pippin back in his cage when my front door opens. There’s a heavy sigh from behind me, and before I can turn around, strong arms are circling my waist, and a hot mouth is on the back of my neck.
“Hello to you, too,” I say, leaning into Sean’s touch. “Rough few days?”
He makes a grunt of acknowledgment but that’s it. His hands reach down to tug at my pants and, while I’m into it—and my clit is already doing somersaults of excitement—I’d like to know what put a damper on his mood at work.
Turning, I slide my arms around his shoulders, giving them a gentle rub.
“Wanna talk about it?” I ask.
Sean’s head falls back so he can stare at the ceiling. “There’s really nothing to talk about—well, not right now at least. I don’t want to ruin our evening. It’s the same bullshit I’ve been dealing with for a while.” He looks back down at me and brushes my hair away from my face. “Nothing you need to worry about, baby. I’ve got it under control.”
“I’m not saying you don’t. I just know sometimes it’s good to vent about these things.”
“I already told you what I need.”
He leans in for a kiss, and I happily accept. If he doesn’t want to talk, I’m not going to force it. Besides, after not seeing him for a while, I’m also eager for some molten moments of bliss.
Right then my stomach decides to growl, and I pull away, giggling.