Page 10 of Prairie Nights
“I was thinking a little of both,” he answered with a laugh as he got up from the couch and strode into the kitchen. Retrieving a bag of potato chips from the cupboard, he poured them into a bowl and opened the refrigerator. “Beer?” he asked.
“Sure!” she exclaimed, nestling deeper into the couch.
He pulled out two bottles and made his way back to the living room, along with the bowl of chips. Settling the bowl between them, he handed her a bottle. She twisted the top off and took a long, rather impressive swig, making him smile in surprise and admiration.
“Hits the spot.” She shrugged, holding out her beer bottle to clink his. Hayden obliged with a laugh and settled back into the couch.
They watched for a while, making comments on players, sharing their favorite teams and player stats. She knew her hockey, and he was thoroughly impressed.
“We’ll have to go to a game sometime.” He offered, waiting to see her reaction.
She turned to him, a cheeky grin on her face as she asked. “Are you asking me out on a date, Hays?”
“I believe I am Whit,” he replied, matching her smile.
“Sure.”, she replied, reaching over, and grabbing a handful of chips, then making a show of popping one into her mouth.
Hayden chuckled and shook his head. Whitney had just given him an in, and he wasn’t going to squander this opportunity.
Over the next week, they settled into a routine with each other. Hayden would get up early, making Whitney coffee and breakfast before he left to chore the animals at Prairie Sky, and then he would open the store, working until late afternoon, at which time his evening staff would take over. Whitney had scheduled meetings with several Winnipeg artists and with Ben and Ever away, she borrowed Ever’s car so she could meet with her clients. She was always dressed to the nines, in killer suits and heels, looking like the professional she was. Although she looked stunning, Hayden liked her most at home in her favorite sweatshirt and jeans, sans makeup, reading on the couch with her sexy librarian glasses on, watching hockey with him, or at the island enjoying a piece of pizza as she laughed at his jokes.
On Friday he came home, as usual, hanging up his keys at the back door and making his way into the kitchen, hoping to see Whitney sitting at the island with her laptop, as she usually did. Not there. He glanced into the living room and a sly smile curled his lips. There she was, downward dog, her amazing backside high in the air. He tilted his head, admiring her rear end, watching her transition into a warrior pose, then into a wheel pose. He knew a little about yoga having taken a beginner class at the Primrose Community Centre. Of course, the only reason he took the class was because he thought it might be a good place to meet women. Turns out all he met were all the ladies from the fifty-five plus Senior Centre. He smiled at the memory of those dirty old birds, hooting and hollering as he did the poses, one giving his butt a hearty pinch. Whitney, still in her wheel pose, opened her eyes to meet his gaze. He grinned at her, his smile stretching ear to ear. “Very bendy,” he commented, waggling his eyebrows at her flirtatiously.
She smiled as she lowered herself to her yoga mat and lay there a moment, taking several deep breaths before sitting up, bowing her namaste and reaching for her water bottle. “How long were you watching me?” she asked, pivoting herself to face him, her legs still crossed on her mat.
“Long enough.” he smirked, leaning both of his elbows casually against the island.
Whitney shook her head and giggled as she asked. “Do you always have sex on the brain?”
“Yeah, pretty much,” he answered honestly, striding over to her, and putting out his hand to help her up.
Shaking her head again, she accepted his offered hand, letting him pull her up. Hayden took that moment to check her out fully and liking very much what he saw. A purple bra top displaying her gorgeous curves and toned midriff and black yoga shorts showing off her toned and shapely legs. Her body was on full display, and he was in awe. “Whit, seriously, your body is incredible,” he complimented.
Whitney smiled, a blush forming on her cheeks, as she took a seat at the island next to him. “Thank you.” She said. “Yoga is a lifesaver. I’m a chronic overthinker and get anxious, so it helps calm my mind.”
“I can see that,” he commented, backtracking to clarify. “I mean, I’m pretty sure I figured that out about you already.”
“Sorry, I know I’m too much.” She said with a wince as she curled up her nose.
He reached for her hand and took it in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “No gorgeous, you’re just enough.”
A smile curved her lips as she took in his sweet compliment. She turned her body to face him and took both of his hands, lacing her fingers with his. He glanced down at their hands, loving the way they looked together. His, large and thick, and hers, small and dainty. Her eyes drifted up to meet his gaze as she rose from her stool, searching his eyes, her hand coming up and smoothing down his hair affectionately. Her gaze softened with appreciation as she took his face between her hands and brushed her lips gently to his.
His heart fluttered wildly in his chest, and he kissed her back, matching her tenderness. They broke apart, and he looked deep into her eyes, now glistening with unshed tears.
“Thank you.” She whispered with an emotional crack in her voice, which made his heart instantly ache. Releasing his hands, she pivoted and strode off towards the bedrooms, her hand touching her cheek to catch a stray tear.
Hayden sat there dumbstruck at what had just happened. He touched his lips, still tingling from her unexpected kiss. What has she been through? Who made her feel like she was not enough? Hayden needed to find out. He needed to hear her story. In his eyes, Whitney was perfect, and he was determined to show how much he cared for her.
* * *
Whitney rolled out of bed and stretched, yawning deeply. Since she had come to Primrose, she had slept better and deeper than she had in her entire life. Maybe it was all the clean air, maybe it was that for the first time in years, she didn’t have to rush into the office. Maybe it was the feeling of contentment her current living arrangement was giving her. It had been exactly one week today since she came to Primrose, and Hayden had been so sweet to her. He was attentive to her needs and always greeted her with a big smile, like he was incredibly happy to see her every day. She anticipated seeing him each morning, the conversation they shared and even their flirtatious banter. Then there was yesterday, his sincere words touching her deeply. She sat back down on her bed and sighed. No one had ever told her she was enough. Something she had longed so deeply to hear from her ex-husband, flowed so freely from Hayden. Staring into his eyes, she could see his genuine feelings for her, and it made her heart swell. Hayden was breaking through, and she could feel her walls slowly coming down. Brick by brick.
Whitney showered, dressed, and put on some light makeup. Having heard his shower earlier, she knew Hayden was up and probably watching TV as he sipped on his morning coffee. Exiting her room, she heard music; the sound growing louder as she made her way down the hall. Rounding the corner of the living room, she stopped in her tracks and a slow smile curled her lips. “Jump” by Van Halen blasted from mobile speakers filling the house with guitar riffs and sharp drumbeats as a shirtless Hayden dressed only in faded low-slung jeans, shook his hips to the music and sang, rather terribly into the turner he held in his hand. She stifled a laugh as he hit the high notes and flipped an egg he’d been cooking in the frying pan on the stove. Hayden turned, his handsome smile growing wider when he spotted her and lifted his makeshift microphone to his lips, then sang at the top of his lungs.
“Might as well jump! JUMP!”