Page 27 of Prairie Nights
Whitney offered her friend a sympathetic look.
Ben walked into the kitchen interrupting their conversation, flashed them both a smile and reached into the fridge retrieving two beers. He leaned in and kissed Ever chastely, cupped his large hand over her belly, then flashed them both another grin and returned to the living room.
Ever shook her head, her face flushed, rosy and sweet.
Whitney looked at her friend with adoration. Ever was so much in love with her husband and seeing their interaction made her heart swell with happiness for her. In less than a year, Ever had found her happily ever with Ben and Whitney couldn’t help but long for that too. Her mind drifted to Hayden. He was affectionate with her like that. Stealing little moments to acknowledge he saw her, cared for her, and loved her. Would he take every moment to touch my belly if I were pregnant? The possibility of having children with him drifted into her thoughts.
“Whitney, where did you go just now?” Ever asked, her hand on her hip.
Whitney laughed nervously and shook her head, breaking out of her daydream.
“Thinking of Hayden?” Ever asked, leaning against the kitchen counter, a knowing grin on her face. Whitney nodded and looked down at her hands, a smile curving her lips. “You know, Hayden is going to be an amazing dad one day, right?” Ever asked her, more of a comment than an actual question. “You want a family, don’t you?”
“More than anything.” Whitney replied with conviction, looking Ever straight in the eye.
“I know you and Hayden haven’t been together long, but maybe you should have a talk about the future. Maybe discuss expectations and what you both want.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little early for that kind of talk?” Whitney asked, raising her eyebrows in question. “We’ve only been dating a few months.”
Ever pointed at her belly and the ring on her hand, then laughed. Whitney joined in on her laughter and nodded her head, acknowledging the quick timeline of Ben and Ever’s relationship.
“I will bet you the farm that Hayden has thought of it already and is just waiting on you to catch up.”
“You think?” Whitney asked wistfully.
“I know.” Ever replied, rubbing her hand over her belly. “Hayden is without question thinking about a future with you.”
Whitney stared at Ever, taking in her words. Was Hayden already thinking of their future together? There was no question that they loved each other, but other than her daydreams and passing thoughts about what her future with Hayden could look like, she had not verbalized it to him. She feared voicing it would be perceived as too fast or just plain crazy. She was simply savoring the feeling of being wanted and cared for by a man for the first time in her life. Was he ready to commit fully? So many questions floated into her head all at once.
Ever stared back at her and cocked her head to the side, scrutinizing her. “Whitney,does a future with Hayden scare you?” she asked. “Considering everything you’ve gone through in the past.”
“Honestly, no,” Whitney answered with full certainty. “I feel excited about the possibilities.”
Ever pulled Whitney in for a huge hug. “You deserve every happiness, Whitney.”
Whitney opened her mouth to thank Ever when her friend grabbed onto her, and let out a painful cry, her hand grabbing for the countertop. Whitney held her up, Ever’s face contorted in pain.
“Ben, come here quick!” Whitney shouted from the kitchen, trying to hold her friend up.
Ben rushed into the kitchen, Hayden and Bea close behind. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Ben asked, his face turning white with worry.
“I just got a sharp pain.” Ever winced, breathing through her teeth, her eyes darting frantically towards Ben.
“She suddenly doubled over.” Whitney explained.
“We should take her to the ER.” Bea answered as she led her to a kitchen chair, Ever holding her belly and wincing from the pain. “It could be nothing, but it's best to get checked out. Just take deep cleansing breaths, and Ben go get the truck started.” Bea ordered, now in full nurse mode. “You and the babies are going to be okay.” Bea soothed in a whisper, running a hand over Ever’s belly. Ben sprinted out of the house, keys in hand.
Whitney and Hayden stood back clutching one another, feeling helpless as they watched Ben run back into the kitchen holding Ever’s jacket. Bea helped her into the jacket and Ben effortlessly scooped her into his arms, carrying her through the kitchen and out the front door.
Bea peered around the corner to Hayden and Whitney. “I’m going to go with them, okay?”
“Of course.” Hayden answered, his face pale with shock and worry at what had just happened.
“We’re going to be close behind.” Whitney replied, going into action mode cleaning up the food that had been laid out for them.
Bea nodded and bolted out the front door, the storm door slamming behind her.
Hayden stood there unmoving, his eyes wide and face pale as the snow outside. Whitney wrapped her arms around him in a comforting hug, meeting his concerned eyes, unshed tears forming. Her heart ached for the sensitive man she loved so much. “She is going to be okay.” Whitney reassured him. “You heard Bea. She said it’s probably nothing and taking her in was just precautionary. The babies are going to be okay.”