Page 34 of Prairie Nights
“You two can stay in here.” Betty stated. “Do you two sleep together?”
“Mom!” Whitney scolded, her face turning red with embarrassment.
“Yes, Betty, Whitney and I share a bed,” Hayden replied in a serious matter-of-fact tone as he glanced at Whitney, giving her a sly wink.
“Seriously, Mom, I’m 34 years old. Do you even need to ask?”
“Oh, I know Whitney, don’t be so embarrassed. I know sex is an important part of a new relationship, so I just wanted to make sure the accommodations will be sufficient for you both. I would never expect you two to abstain the entire week!” she laughed, swiping her hand through the air as if the thought of them not having sex under their roof was completely absurd.
Whitney shook her head, her face an inferno, and Hayden’s smile took over his face. Betty Faris is a character. Dan just huffed again and walked out of the room. This is going to be such a fun week.
“Okay, you kids settle in and meet us in the kitchen when you’re done. Dad is going to barbeque steaks tonight!” Betty approached Hayden and reached up to pinch his cheek. “So handsome.” She cooed as she floated out of the room.
Whitney collapsed on the bed, her arm over her eyes, her face and neck still red from her mother’s comments. Hayden laughed and sat down next to her, patting her thigh. “I warned you.” She commented, her voice muffled by her arm.
“You just said your mom is friendly and, at times, inappropriate,” he replied with amusement. “But she is definitely next level.”
Whitney groaned. “Are you going to run away screaming after a week of this?” she asked, removing her arm from her face and wrinkling up her nose.
“Not a chance. They’re awesome. Seriously, your mom has no boundaries, but she means well and your dad, well, he is…”
“A hard ass?” Whitney inserted.
“Protective.” Hayden countered. “Besides, I have something up my sleeve to win him over,” he offered, giving her a confident glance.
“You do?” she asked, sitting up.
“I do,” he confirmed, intertwining his hands with hers.
Whitney appreciated his confidence and felt at ease. If they were going to have a future together, he needed to know everything about her, including her crazy family. If Hayden was not having second thoughts after this week with her parents, he was, without question, a keeper.
* * *
“Dan, you grill up a mean steak.” Hayden complimented, sitting back in his patio chair and patting his stomach in appreciation.
“Thank you.” Dan replied, placing his plate to the side. “The key is charcoal. It gives it more flavor.”
“Good to know,” Hayden commented.
“Let me get the dessert!” Betty added, getting up from the table.
“I’ll help you, Mom.” Whitney offered, rising from the table and stacking the dinner plates. She passed behind Hayden, gave his shoulder a squeeze and flashed him a smile.
The sliding patio door closed behind them, Dan cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest, giving Hayden an interrogating look as he asked. “So, what are your intentions with my daughter?”
Wow, he was going to go for it right out of the gate.
“Well, Dan, I love Whitney very much.”
Dan squinted at him and asked gruffly. “And my daughter, does she love you?”
“I believe she does, yes.”
He nodded his head and seemed to contemplate his reply, then spoke, “You know my daughter has been through a lot. I’ve seen Whitney at rock bottom after her first marriage ended.” He explained. “I’ve seen her completely broken and very deeply hurt by her ex-husband. That’s not something a father ever wants their daughter to experience.”
Hayden nodded. “Whitney has shared her entire story with me. I was also with her in Toronto when she had her apartment broken into by Paul.”
“Yes, Whitney told us about that,” he replied with his mouth in a grim line as his gaze met Hayden’s. “She said you were beside her through everything.”