Page 44 of Prairie Nights
Betty’s eyes widened as her gaze trailed up to Ben, who towered over her.
“Oh, my goodness, Ever! You married yourself a lumberjack!” she exclaimed, giving Ever a look of approval before turning back to Ben and fixing him with a smile. “You are strikingly tall and so handsome!” she exclaimed. Ben’s face instantly turned about as pink as the dresses Violet and Poppy wore. “And strong, oh my,” she went on brazenly, reaching to feel his large bicep.
“Nice to meet you both,” Ben greeted, an amused smile curling his lips. “Who would you like to hold Violet or Poppy?”
“No matter to me. I’ve been waiting to get my hands on one of those cuties!” Betty exclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly.
Ben handed her Violet, and Dan stepped forward and cleared his throat. “May I hold Poppy?”
Ben smiled and nodded, handing his other daughter to Dan. Dan’s smile grew wide, his thick bushy mustache stretching across his face as he held the baby. Whitney could feel her heart swell at the sight. Would he be holding his grandbaby soon? The more that thought went through her head, the more she knew that’s what she wanted.
* * *
The afternoon rolled by with a flurry of presents, food, laughter, family, and friends. Ever and Ben were showered with anything they could need and more for their baby girls. Whitney couldn’t help but take in the generous community she was now a part of. Having been a city girl her entire life, she had plenty of friends but had never felt a sense of community like that in Primrose. Witnessing the love that surrounded Ben and Ever, Whitney knew this was the place she wanted to settle down and grow her family in. Her family with Hayden. The thought of marrying him and having a family together was what she thought of when she woke and every night when she went to bed. Now, with her past locked away, she couldn’t stop the flood of thoughts for their future. She wanted to be Hayden’s wife, the mother of his children, and she didn’t want to wait any longer for their future to begin.
“Deep in thought?” Ever asked, as she took a seat next to Whitney.
Whitney smiled and nodded. “Where are the girls?”
“Both sleeping. Hayden is holding Poppy, and I have no idea where Violet is right now. They’ve been passed around so much. Not surprised they’re both passed out. It’s been a busy day!”
Whitney glanced over to Hayden who beamed, holding his niece as he talked to Bea. Whitney could feel her ovaries quiver at the sight.
“Hayden’s a natural.” Ever commented, acknowledging Whitney’s longing gaze on Hayden. “You’ve been thinking about having a family of your own, haven’t you?”
Whitney whipped her head towards Ever and her eyes softened. “How could I not? Look at him,” she commented, gesturing to Hayden cooing at Poppy. “Hayden is going to be an amazing father.”
“I want that for you, Whitney.” Ever shared, taking her friend’s hand. “Why not start now? I mean, not everyone does things in order and you and Hayden love each other very much. Seems like a good foundation to me.” she shrugged. “Plus, you said it yourself, you two do things backwards so maybe starting a family now is a good idea.”
Whitney took in her friend’s suggestion and replied, “Call me traditional, but I want to be married first. And it doesn’t need to be fancy either. I would literally get married in the middle of a field, just the two of us, I don’t want or need a big wedding.”
“Why don’t you do that, then?” Ever asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Literally get married in the middle of the field. Hayden doesn’t care either if you have a big wedding or not. I overheard him talking to Ben the other day, and he told him he would marry you tomorrow if he could. Any place, anywhere.”
Whitney’s mind started spinning and a crazy but exciting idea popped into her head. She turned to Ever and met her gaze. “What are you doing tomorrow night?”
* * *
Hayden climbed into bed and took in Whitney, who was leaning against the headboard, her glasses on, reading a book.
“Have I told you how I love your sexy librarian look?” he asked, flashing her a coquettish grin.
“Yes, Hays, many, many times!” she laughed, setting down her book on the end table.
She climbed on top of him, straddling his hips, and replied with a sexy rasp to her words. “But you can tell me again.”
He groaned and pulled her in for a scorching kiss. Breaking their embrace, she looked at the devastatingly handsome man she loved more and more each day.
“I am ready.” she stated with conviction as she looked deep into his eyes.
“For?” he asked with a smile, curiously searching her gaze.
Whitney climbed off him and off the bed, going into the ensuite. Hayden sat up and waited for her to return, confusion on his face. She returned with something in one hand and the bathroom trash can in the other.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his eyebrows raised in question.