Page 46 of Prairie Nights
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Whitney came out of the ensuite, a cloud of steam following her. After an amorous shower with Hayden, she kicked him out so she could wash her hair and get ready for their night out. Makeup applied and hair pulled up back in a twist, she noticed a large white box on the bed with a note on top. Beside the note was a dozen red roses. Hayden loved any opportunity to treat her with her favorite flower and seeing another gorgeous bouquet made her heart swell with love. Picking one out of the bouquet, she brought it to her nose, taking a deep inhale. Its sweet fragrance filled her senses, and she closed her eyes, imagining Hayden’s eyes filled with tears when she revealed her surprise. Hayden was such a romantic, and she hoped her plan would be everything he had ever dreamed of and more.
Picking up the note on the box, she opened it and it read: Something beautiful for the most beautiful woman in the world. I hope you like it.
Reaching for the ribbon holding the white box together, she opened it slowly, lifting the lid and peeling open the tissue paper. Wrapped delicately in tissue paper was a lilac lace cocktail dress. She pulled it out of the box and held it up to her. It had spaghetti straps, a plunging neckline and low back. The lace was an intricate pattern of flowers and vines with a satin underlay. It was exquisite. Eagerly Whitney slipped into it, the dress hugging her curves and extenuating all the best parts of her body including her shapely toned legs. She could not think of a more perfect dress for this special night.
Retrieving a pair of strappy silver high heel sandals and a purple shawl she used for Ever’s wedding from the closet. She added silver crystal earrings with a matching bracelet to complete her outfit.
Whitney took in her reflection in the mirror and smoothed her hands down on the dress nervously. This was it. Last year at this time, she never would have dared to dream that this day would come. Never did she think someone like Hayden would sweep her off her feet, show her what true unconditional love really was, and give her a second chance at the life she always dreamed of. Feeling beyond blessed, a quell of emotion rose in her chest as gratitude washed over her. Pushing back happy tears, she took one last nervous breath, squared her shoulders, and walked out of the bedroom to meet the man of her dreams.
* * *
Hayden lifted his eyes from his phone and went slack jawed. Every time he saw Whitney he marveled at her beauty, but tonight standing in front of him cascading in lilac lace, her golden locks swept up, showing her long silky neck. She took his breath away.
“You are…seriously I have no words, Whitney.” he said, his expression one of awe as his eyes drifted over her.
“Hayden Hastings has no words. This may be a first.” she teased, cocking her hip to the side.
Hayden rose from the kitchen stool and approached her, taking her hands in his. “You are the most gorgeous, stunning, absolutely knock me on my ass with your beauty, woman I’ve ever seen.”
Whitney laughed and reached up to brush her lips to his. “Thank you for this amazing dress. It fits me perfectly.”
He gestured for her to spin to give him a full 360-degree view, then feigned a heart attack.
“Stop!” She laughed, then gave him an approving look over of her own. “Now you look like a million bucks. I love this suit!” she complimented as she reached up to straighten his collar. “Is this from Ben and Ever’s wedding?”
“It is. Or as I like to call that night, the night I made out with my girlfriend behind a barn,” he replied, giving her a sexy grin.
“I wasn’t your girlfriend back then,” she corrected, wrinkling her nose at the memory.
He leaned down and kissed her gently on the nose. “That is true, but you already had my heart.”
Whitney met his eyes; deep blue pools she knew she could drown in forever. At that moment her stomach growled loudly.
Hayden laughed and kissed her softly. “Let’s head out for dinner.”
Hayden had made reservations at a bistro on the outskirts of St. Augustine. The atmosphere was trendy but formal, with elegantly dressed tables, soft candlelight, and lush seating. Hayden took a seat across from Whitney and their waiter set down their menus, taking their drink orders to start. Leaving them with the menus, Hayden reached out to take her hand in his. He rubbed her ring finger with his thumb and glanced down at their hands. A nostalgic smile tugged at his lips as he looked up to meet her eyes dancing in the soft flicker of the candlelight.
“You are so incredibly beautiful, Whitney. How did I get so lucky?”
Whitney stared at him dreamily and he felt his heart flutter as a radiant smile curved her lips. “I ask myself the same thing.” she answered simply. “I love you, Hays.”
He leaned in, bringing her hand to his lips. “I love you too, Whit.”
The waiter returned with their drinks, a glass of cabernet for Whitney and an old fashioned for Hayden. They both ordered steak with side salads and settled into conversation about their time together.
“Can you believe it has been seven months since we started dating?” she reflected. “Is it strange that it feels longer?”
“Not at all. I mean, we’ve had a lot happen in seven months. You had to pivot your career and made a huge move to another province.”
“We fell in love, officially moved in together, and I could finally lock up my past and throw away the key,” she added.
“Ben and Ever had the most adorable little girls.” Hayden said proudly. “I still think it’s going to be hilarious watching my big brother be a girl dad. Those girls are going to have him wrapped around their little fingers.”
They both chuckled at the vision of big old Ben at the mercy of two sweet faced and innocent little girls.
“Seeing you with them may be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Whitney commented, wiggling her eyebrows then offering him a soft smile. “You’re going to be an amazing dad.”