Page 50 of Prairie Nights
She kissed his hand and blonde head softly and smiled at his sweet cherub face. As she suspected, she and Hayden made the most gorgeous babies.
If anyone would have asked her six years ago, before she met Hayden, if this would be her life, she probably would have laughed at them. Now she was swimming in testosterone, and she loved every minute of it.
Hayden handed her Bodhi’s jacket and boots and she set him down on the kitchen island to put them on. After Hayden had suited the other two boys, he rounded the island and leaned over to plant a soft kiss on her lips. His mesmerizing blue eyes grasping hers in their steely gaze. Hayden was still as impossibly handsome as the day she met him and now all these years later she found him even sexier. Seeing him as a doting father was an unexpected aphrodisiac for Whitney, hence her back-to-back pregnancies. He flashed her his devastatingly handsome, panty melting smile and glanced down at their youngest son.
“Do you want to come with Daddy?” he asked Bodhi, putting his arms out to him. Bodhi leapt off the edge, making Whitney’s breath hitch in surprise and making Hayden laugh as he caught him. “Don’t scare Mommy, you little daredevil.”
Whitney shook her head, thankful that all three of her boys were still alive. Raising boys was fun, but scary at times. And they were risk takers, just like their father.
“I’ll get the boys into the van and all the presents for the crew are in the back already.”
“Thank you, Hays.” she breathed out as she reached for the two pies she’d baked on the counter.
Another family Christmas at Prairie Sky.
When they got there, the Farmhouse was alive with festive excitement. Bauer and Beckett very quickly found their cousins Violet and Poppy and were already upstairs playing in their room, their giggles and voices echoing throughout the house. Ben and Hayden were on baby duty in the living room with Bodhi and Luke. Hayden trying to keep their one-year-old from toppling the tree and Ben trying to make his five-month-old son laugh.
“Luke, I am your father.” Ben said in a low, growly voice. The sweet baby boy with brown hair and large hazel eyes breaking into an adorable fit of laughter. Ben and Hayden’s deep chuckles wafting into the kitchen.
Whitney sat back in the kitchen chair and smiled at the sweet sounds echoing throughout the house.
“I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that line since Luke was born. Pretty sure Ben picked that name because he wanted an excuse to say it.” Ever laughed while placing a platter of appetizers on the table. “That’s what I get for marrying a Star Wars nerd!”
Whitney laughed and reached for a carrot off a veggie tray. “When are Bea and her crew arriving?” she asked curiously.
Just then she heard the front door open, and the familiar voice of Bea carried through the front entrance. Bea peeked around the corner, a platter of Christmas cookies in her hands. “Hello Ladies! Merry Christmas! Amelia made these cookies for the kiddos!” Bea exclaimed, setting down the platter and giving Ever a big hug followed by Whitney. “Seriously, procreation station around here! So many kids!”
Ever and Whitney shrugged, laughed, and nodded their heads in agreement. Whitney smiled at her friends, a gleam in her eye. “Next year we’ll have one more.” She smoothed over her flat belly and putting her finger over her lips.
“Primrose is about to be taken over by Hastings.” Bea whispered. “When did you find out?”
“Last week. Hayden doesn’t know yet,” she whispered. “It’s still early and I’m going to tell him tonight after the boys are in bed.”
Ever shook her head and looked from Whitney to Bea. “Do you ever wonder where we would all be if I didn’t come back to Primrose?” she asked, raising her wineglass to her lips.
“We would probably be hopelessly single in the city.” Whitney added with a smile, looking at Ever.
“And I would likely still be living in my grandmother's house.” Bea added, pouring herself a glass of wine.
“Speaking of that, isn’t your brother coming home soon?” Ever asked Bea, a look of sadness in her eyes.
“He is.” Bea sighed. “He’s been officially discharged and will be released. Honestly, I’m just happy Davis is okay.”
Whitney reached out and took her hand, giving it a supportive squeeze. A quiet fell on the trio until Bea broke their silence. “Well, let’s not bring this party down! Grab your wine or in your case....” she brought her voice to a whisper, gesturing to Whitney. “Sparkling cider. Let’s join the men and round up the kiddos in the living room. We got some presents to open!”
* * *
That night they carried in their three exhausted, sugar comatose little boys to their beds. Hayden offered to tuck them in, giving Whitney a welcome reprieve from a busy day. As a working mom, Whitney loved this time of night, when all was quiet and peaceful in the house. She strolled through the house, a flood of memories washing over her as she stopped in front of the Christmas tree, taking in the handmade ornaments and twinkling lights. Additions had been made over the years. The boy’s handprints, popsicle stick stars and fun little paper and pipe cleaner crafts from daycare. Whitney smiled hearing the murmur of Hayden tucking the boys into bed and inevitably reading them a quick bedtime story. Next year, their long-planned house renovation would add an upstairs and four extra bedrooms to their modest two-bedroom home, finally giving the boys their own rooms. She couldn’t wait. Strolling into the kitchen, she reached into a cupboard, pulling out a glass and filling it at the tap. Taking a long sip of the cold water, she stared out the kitchen window into the darkness of the backyard. The night was clear and the urge to go out into the cold crisp air to see the stars took over. Slipping on her jacket that hung at the back door, she reached for her Jets toque and mittens, the same one Hayden had gifted her on their first date. The set was now faded, the wool pilled, looking a little worse for wear, but she couldn’t imagine replacing it. Too many precious memories of hockey games, snowy strolls through evergreen trails and countless nights in the middle of Bakers Field staring up at the stars. Pulling on her boots, she exited through the back door, flicking off the back deck light, immersing her in darkness. Her eyes drifted up to the sky, a universe of stars twinkling down at her, and her hand reached into her pocket. Smiling, her fingers found the gift she had for Hayden hidden inside.
The back door opened, and Whitney glanced over her shoulder to see Hayden, his smile wide and blue eyes shining. Coming up behind her, he followed her gaze, transfixed on the glorious prairie night, a sea of stars above them. “Star gazing?” he asked, wrapping his strong arms around her.
Whitney nodded, and they stood there together, taking in the miraculous view for a long time, wrapped in the warmth of each other’s embrace, their noses and cheeks rosy from the cold. Suddenly, a shooting star streaked across the sky, leaving a trail of light against the darkness.
Hayden leaned down, his warm breath and soft lips against her ear. “What did you wish for?” he whispered.
“I can’t tell you.” she chided with a little giggle.