Page 157 of Love Unwritten
Ellie seems lost in her own head tonight. I imagine after the day she had, she doesn’t want to talk much, so we order room service, and Nico and I carry most of the conversation during dinner, with her offering a little input here and there.
When she excuses herself from the table after all three plates are cleared, Nico looks over at me with pursed lips.
“Is Ellie okay?”
“I think so.”
“She looks sad.”
I give his shoulder a squeeze. “She just had a long day.”
He seems satisfied enough with my answer to let it go, although I’m still thinking about her long after I put Nico to bed.
With a reluctant sigh, I text the one person who can help me with the Darius Larkin situation. I’ve heard enough about him to know he has connections I don’t.
I can already hear Julian yelling in my ear, telling me this is a bad idea, but I don’t care. Ellie is worth making a deal with the Lake Wisteria demon, so long as that piece of shit producer is irrevocably destroyed.
Isn’t this a lovely surprise.
Just answer my question.
I *could* do what you want.
What would you want in exchange?
What are you willing to give me?
Answering a question with another question? The man really was born for politics.
Depends on how much you help me.
Give me a week and your endorsement.
From you AND your cousin.