Page 173 of Love Unwritten
I pull my phone away from my ear. “There’s only one problem.”
“He wants me to join him in Europe while he’s on tour.”
“If going to Europe is a problem, I’ll happily take your place,” Burt jokes.
Mom shushes him. “What’s the matter?”
“I don’t know if I can go.”
“Why not?”
“Because I already have a job, and there is no way I can take five weeks off like that.”
“Ellie, dear.” Mom’s soft voice makes me pause.
“I know you like the Lopez family and are loyal to a fault—”
“I think I may more than like them.”
“Them or him?” she asks in that knowing tone.
She makes a confirmatory noise. “Well, that sure complicates matters a bit.”
“I don’t know what to do.” I curl the string of my hoodie around my index finger. “I didn’t expect him to bring out old feelings, let alone new ones.”
“And he likes me too.” I think back to yesterday and how he admitted to Nico that he liked me. I felt so damn excited before our reality came crashing back down around us.
“Well, then, that’s an even bigger reason for you to consider another job.”
I knew she would suggest it, but hearing it still makes my chest clench. “I know it’s wrong to feel that way about my boss…”
“I didn’t say that, but is it in your best interest to keep working for him if you’re developing real feelings?”
No, which only adds another layer to our issue.
“I’m scared of change.”
“If you weren’t, I’d be concerned because you love to second-guess.”
“And triple-think,” Burt adds.
“What did she always say when she was younger?” my mom asks him.
“Four times to be for sure?” he suggests.
Mom laughs. “Yes! I knew it was something like that.”
I can’t help chuckling with her. “Okay. I get it. I like to really consider my options.”
Mom sobers. “We’re just teasing you. Anyone in your position would hesitate about accepting a job like that, especially after what you went through last time.”