Page 194 of Love Unwritten
“Did anyone have an idea about how you really felt?”
“Julian had his suspicions, but he never called me out on it.”
“Have you considered talking to him about it?”
“Well, no.” Should I have? The thought of opening up to him like that terrifies me, especially when he has a right to judge me for acting this way for two decades.
I love my cousin, and I don’t want him to think I’ve been deceiving him or acting devious.
I’m just…a little broken.
Ellie seems to sit on that for a moment before saying, “I want you to promise me something.”
“Will you always be honest with me? Even if you think I won’t like what you have to say or the way you react to something, I would rather you tell me the truth than ever feel the need to hide behind a lie because you’re afraid it might push me away.”
“I can do that.” I clear my throat. “I will do that.”
The more time I spend with her, the more I come to realize that she is right.
I’ve given her countless opportunities to give up and go, yet she sticks around, proving time and time again that I can trust her. That I can love her too.
So long as I’m willing to take the risk.
I’m reluctant to drop Ellie off right away, so I take the long way back to her house and extend our date by another twenty minutes, solely because I don’t want to let her go. If she were still living with me, I’d take her home and show her just how much tonight meant to me.
How much she means to me.
My heart hammers in my chest as I open the passenger side door and help her hop out of the truck, my palm sweating as I press it against the small of her back and lead her to the front porch.
Despite having kissed Ellie plenty of times, I’m nervous about doing the same tonight. Perhaps it has something to do with me finally accepting that we are moving toward something serious, or maybe it has everything to do with the way she looks up at me with a smile that robs me of my next breath and all coherent thoughts.
I can hardly hear her thanking me for tonight’s date over the blood pounding in my ears, but I nod anyway.
We stop in front of her door, and she rises on her tiptoes and brushes her lips across mine. “Tonight was amazing. Thanks again.”
Instinct kicks in, and I trap her against my chest by curling my arm around her waist. I press my mouth over hers and kiss her hard. She melts into me, and I deepen the kiss until she drops the bag of vinyls by our feet and wraps her arms around the back of my neck.
Heat travels down my spine and spreads to my groin as she returns my assault with her own, tearing through my self-control with the press of her lips and the brush of her tongue over the seam of my mouth.
Before I have a chance to do the same, the front door swings open, and her parents invite me in for a drink.
Ellie is beyond embarrassed at being caught kissing, so I consider declining the invitation to help her save face, but then her stepdad wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me inside, declaring he makes the best mixed drinks in town.
Bold claim but who am I to turn down a free drink and an opportunity to spend more time with Ellie?
Her parents are kind, which makes sense given how sweet Ellie is. I’ve met Burt, but I’ve never really spoken to him outside of calling his store to book Nico’s music lessons.
“Please excuse my husband. He’s harmless.” Ellie’s mom shoos Burt away and offers me her hand. “I’m Mrs. Sinclair.” I’ve seen her around town, but we have never had a conversation before.
“Nice to meet you.” I shake her hand. “You have a beautiful home.”
“You think so?”
I take in the warm tones and tasteful decor and furnishings. “Yes. Reminds me of my aunt’s.”
Her smile is bright. “Thanks! I designed it all myself.”