Page 250 of Love Unwritten
My lips pull into a smile. “I never said it was ours.”
“You didn’t need to.” He pulls me into a chaste kiss.
“Then how do you know?”
“Took me longer than I’d like to realize the blond girl who caught me crying on Christmas Eve was you, but I put two and two together once I heard you reference a prom king.” The sparkle in his eyes, along with his hushed confession, makes my heart stutter.
“And you waited until now to say something?”
He lifts our clasped hands up to his mouth and kisses the back of my hand. “Yeah.”
“I like listening to you play while you think I’m asleep.”
My mouth drops open.
He presses his lips against my ear and whispers. “Tell me one thing.”
“Do you ever plan on letting me listen to the whole song once it’s done?”
I shrug. “Maybe.”
His eyes narrow to slits. “That’s not a yes.”
“Only because I don’t plan on ever finishing it.”
“Why not?”
“Like stories, some songs should never end.”
“Not even ours?”
I shake my head. “Especially not ours.”
His brows pinch. “At some point, there has to be a final verse.”
“If there is, I don’t plan on ever writing it.” That much I can promise.
So long as Rafael and I are together, our love song will remain incomplete. Like a melody with no pause or a song with no outro. We’re a story without an ending…
And I wouldn’t want it any other way.
With a smile, I reach for Rafael’s latest note that is taped to the top of an envelope. It has been over eighteen months since he started writing notes to me, and I’ve saved every single one in a medium-sized box safely tucked away in our closet. The small slips of paper never fail to draw a grin from me, regardless of whether there is a gift attached or not.
I unfold the small piece of paper and read the handwritten note.
Rafael’s Rule Book
Rule Number 228: