Page 254 of Love Unwritten
I pause midstride as I check out Rafael’s creation that he had prohibited me from seeing until today. He was the one who came up with the idea of keeping the whole thing a secret from me, and I now understand why.
Turns out the zone of the property he had concealed behind a temporary construction fence was hiding an alcove of hibiscus flowers that create the perfect photo backdrop for our First Look. After we share our private vows and take photos, we will have a formal ceremony for our family and friends.
His back is facing me while he fidgets with a cufflink. The click of the cameras around us fills the quiet as a genuine smile tugs at my lips.
“See you soon.” My mom blows me a kiss before Willow pulls her away, leaving me alone.
I walk down the pathway that leads to my future husband and stop a few feet away from him. He doesn’t turn around right away, so I clear my throat.
“Do you plan on turning around?”
“In a moment…”
“What are you—”
He plucks a flower from the hedge and turns to face me. His eyes go wide, and he blinks a few times.
“You look…” He cuts himself off with a curse in Spanish.
My smile stretches wider, making my cheeks hurt.
“That good, huh?”
“Mi estrella.” His eyes darken, and a look of pure desire washes over him as he takes me in.
Goose bumps form, spreading across my skin as I take him in. I’ve seen Rafael in a suit before, but him in a tux unlocks a whole new fantasy in my head.
“You clean up nice, Prom King.”
His dark eyes glitter. “I can’t wait to swap that nickname out for a new one.”
“Like what?”
“Husband.” His blinding smile has my heart stuttering as he walks up to me, tucks a flower into my hair, and pulls me into a kiss that leaves me yearning for more.
“Shh.” Nico glares at me from over his shoulder.
“I didn’t say anything,” I whisper under my breath.
His gaze travels from my face to my boots. “You stomp around like an elephant.”
My eyes narrow. “I’ve got big feet.”
“And everyone within hearing distance knows it.” His nose twitches, and I laugh to myself, which earns me another stern look from my son.
I raise my hands in silent submission. “I’ll be quiet.”
His eyes roll behind his glasses as he heads toward my and Ellie’s bedroom. I keep my steps light and my hold on the breakfast tray tight as I follow behind my son. Nico deserves all the credit for today’s breakfast-in-bed idea, seeing as he not only went grocery shopping with me but also helped prepare everything this morning.
When we stop outside the double doors, Nico fusses over some spilled orange juice while claiming my balance is worse than his.
“It’s perfect,” I tell him when he wipes the side of the glass with the cuff of his long-sleeve shirt.