Page 51 of Love Unwritten
“Don’t mind me.” He smirks. The fleeting expression reminds me so much of the senior who smiled as often as he laughed, and it takes me by surprise to see him at ease for once.
I shake my head. “I see you ditched the lumberjack aesthetic.”
“Are you sad about it?”
“Marginally.” Although sad might not be the appropriate word. Worried for myself is more like it, although I’d never admit such a thing to him.
He leans against the doorframe. “Is it because I won’t be chopping wood for the fireplaces anymore?”
I choke on my next breath. “Why would that make me sad?”
“Because I caught you staring through the window sometimes.”
I pray the ground opens up beneath me and swallows me whole because hell has to be better than this.
“I don’t stare.” My defensive tone gives me away.
“I thought it was more polite to say that rather than the truth.”
“Which is?”
“You drool.”
“You’re delusional,” I say with a hiss.
He shrugs without a single care in the world. “No need to be embarrassed. It’s cute to see the lengths you go to sneak a peek.”
Cute? I swear I’ve never hated a word more.
“Pendejo.” I curse like I’ve heard him say countless times before.
His brows rise. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“That’s a bad word.”
“I know.” I grin.
His lips twitch as he rolls my luggage into the foyer. “Did you forget that I’m your boss?”
“Huh. It must have slipped my mind once you started flirting with me.” I saunter inside, swaying my hips with a little sass.
There is nothing more satisfying than seeing his cheeks stained pink. “I wasn’t flirting.” He doesn’t stumble over the words, which is impressive given the flustered look on his face.
Now I’m the one smirking. “All right.”
“I mean it.”
“Keep talking and I’ll fire you again.”
“No you won’t because you need me.”
He doesn’t verbally acknowledge my comment, but we both know it’s the truth. Rafael proved as much with my new nanny contract, which includes an overall pay increase, a reduced workload from six to five days a week, and a generous severance package should he feel the need to terminate our agreement.
His new stipulations not only provide financial but also emotional security. He is clearly trying to take what I said about his lack of appreciation into account, and for that, I’m grateful.