Page 16 of Seal of Approval
Ethan shook his head.
“You should see how many coffee cups are thrown away every day. And they can’t be recycled because they have plastic lining. Australians use one billion coffee cups a year.”
Ethan turned to Bailey, considering him, and then gave him a small smile. I was watching the moment a connection was formed.
“A lot of cups end up in the ocean.” Ethan said. “After a long time, they break down into small pieces and marine life thinks it’s food.”
Rose’s eyes became big circles. “Do they eat it?”
Ethan nodded. “Yes. They can get very sick.”
“And die?” she asked, her voice tentative.
“Yes,” Ethan said.
I appreciated that he didn’t sugarcoat it. The children needed to know that humans were responsible for environmental damage.
“This machine doesn’t use coffee pods,” Ethan said. He looked at Bailey. “So even less waste goes into a landfill.”
Bailey smiled. I smiled too at my little environmentalist.
I stood by Ethan as he made them a hot chocolate. He pointed to a button. “This button is for warm rather than scorching hot. It will be safe for the kids to drink straight away.”
This coffee machine may have been his indulgence, but he’d made sure it was suitable for all of us. He set to the coffee next. He was right. The scent was amazing, all earthy and smoky and just glorious as I breathed it in. Calmness spread through me.
I was standing so close to Ethan I could feel his heat and smell him too. Salt and freshness direct from the ocean with a hint of something else, woody or musk maybe. I leant a little closer. God, he smelled good. It was a smell that drew you in. It had nothing to do with his smile or looks, but more to do with pure manliness. I jerked away. What the hell was I thinking?
Ethan looked at me, his head tilted. My face was burning. I reached for the coffee bag to read the ingredients and take my mind off him. I didn’t know how that was ever going to work. The association between coffee and his manly smell would remain forever.
I needed to get over these thoughts. He might be kind and thoughtful, but it didn’t mean anything. Maybe he was buttering me up because he needed my help. I could tell myself that, but I didn’t really believe it.
We walked along the beach to the bonfire set up across the road from the shop.
Jasmine gave me a nudge and a grin. “Are you ready for your first small-town bonfire?”
“How’s it different from a normal bonfire?”
“You’ll see.”
Her smirk had me worried. I turned my attention back to the people seated around the fire. I recognised Sara from the café, and Jack and Lily. There were two other men sitting amongst the circle. I assumed they were Ross and Jay.
Rose grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the seated group. I never had time to be nervous with her around.
“Everyone, this is Ethan. He’s living with us. He works with Mum.”
Everyone’s eyes turned toward me.
“Hi.” I shoved my hands in my pockets. I’d rather be studying sea lions than be the one being studied.
Rose dragged me over to Sara. “Miss Sara works at our school. She’s the best teacher we have.”
Sara laughed. “You don’t think that when I give you assignments.”
“That’s because they’re never about mermaids.”