Page 20 of Seal of Approval
The way she’d compared my body to hers also stirred something inside me that shouldn’t have been stirred. I’d noticed more than once her body’s curves, her tanned legs and other things I shouldn’t have noticed. I’d had to hold my tongue when she’d said her body was nothing like mine. Because if I hadn’t, I would have told her that many a man would have enjoyed watching her put on a wetsuit. Including me.
Ethan was away, getting his boat licence at long last. The day was dragging on. I’d already cleaned the campgrounds, done the swimming tour and answered emails. I had some other campsites to clean in the National Park, so I’d hit that after I collected the mail.
Jack and Lily were on the porch, reading and soaking up the morning sun.
Lily looked up and gave me a cheeky smile. “Good morning. Enjoy the smell of coffee this morning?”
I rolled my eyes. “You’re really not funny. I’m not going to tell you anything from now on. You obviously can’t be trusted.”
She gave a shrug. “I’m not the one who enjoys the smell of her housemate better than the smell of fresh coffee.”
“You’re impossible.”
Jack laughed. He put his book on the side table.
“Where’s Sex on Legs this morning?” Lily asked. “You two are usually joined at the hip.”
I crossed my arms. “That’s normally what happens when you’re teaching someone.”
“He told me last night he was going to get his licence today,” Jack said.
“Do you miss him?” Lily’s cheeky smile returned.
I wanted to slap her…figuratively, of course. “Not really. I’ve got plenty to do.”
She smirked. “That’s why you’re here.”
“I’m here to collect the mail. Is there any for us?”
“It’s us now, is it?” Jack said.
“Well, it is the department’s mail and we do work for the department.”
Neither of them made a move. I’d have to check myself. I uncrossed my arms and headed for the door.
“Quite a show Ethan put on yesterday,” Lily said.
I stopped in my tracks and spun around. “What are you talking about?”
“The wetsuit demonstration. You couldn’t take your eyes off him.”
Jack gave her a nudge. “More like you couldn’t take your eyes off him. You wouldn’t leave the porch until it was over.”
Lily shrugged. “Beautiful things should be admired.”
“What about me?”
“You’re beautiful in other ways.”
I returned to my former spot and stared them down. “Ethan doesn’t do the wetsuit demonstration for attention. It’s practical.”
Jack and Lily shared a look. My shoulders tensed.