Page 27 of Seal of Approval
Rose had been calmer after the window but still jumpy. I knew why. Even if she couldn’t remember the incident five years ago, I’d never forget it.
Bailey was talking to someone. It wasn’t Rose because she was with me in the kitchen. I listened harder. A muffled male voice. “Bailey, who are you talking to?” I asked as I walked into the hallway.
Bailey had unlocked the front door. It swung open, reverberating as it hit the wall. Max stood on the other side. My throat constricted.
What was he doing here? I had a restraining order against him.
He stepped into the house. I rushed forward and grabbed Bailey, shoving him behind me. I backed up. Step by step. I needed my phone.
Max barged forward. Thunder exploded overhead. I corralled Bailey back, shoving him through the kitchen door. There was not enough space between Max and the children.
“Give me my children,” he bellowed.
Thunder overhead. Not even that could drown out his voice. My hands shook. The vibrations spread through my body.
I twisted in the doorway. Bailey stood in the middle of the kitchen, shaking. My mobile phone to his ear. Please tell me he was calling the police.
Where was Rose? I swung around. Where was she?
I needed to stop Max. Or at least slow him down. Give help enough time to arrive. If it was even coming. The kids needed enough time to escape.
I blocked the doorway into the kitchen. Max grabbed me and threw me against the wall. He snatched me on the rebound and smashed me into the door frame.
Lightning cracked, covering the sound of my arm snapping. His grip loosened and I sank to the floor, clutching my arm.
“Bailey. Rose,” Max roared, charging past me.
“Run,” I screamed as I picked myself up off the floor.
Too late. I was too late. Max yanked Rose off her feet. She screamed. I lunged forward. Bailey turned to his sister. I pushed him toward the front door.
Thunder. Lightning. Screaming.
The word Mum on repeat.
I lurched forward. Rose. He needed to let go of Rose. I latched onto Max’s arm. A guttural roar escaped his mouth as he shoved me aside. My head smacked into the fridge.
The house was a cacophony of sound. Even the blood rushing in my ears was deafening.
Max was in the hallway, dragging a screaming Rose behind him.
More sound. More light. This time red and blue. Faint. Sirens. Faint.
Help was coming.
But it was too late. Max could get to his car. He could get away.
Bailey ran into the house and grabbed Rose. Max’s grip changed as he reached for Bailey. I latched onto Max. He let go of Rose as we tumbled to the ground.
“Run,” I screamed.
Bailey grabbed Rose and ran into the rain, into the arms of police officers.
I closed my eyes. I had nothing left; my strength was completely drained.
Ethan came out into the living room wearing his ranger uniform of boots, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt.