Page 44 of Seal of Approval
I didn’t care. I knew which one I’d rather be their father.
“Max, the last time the children saw you, you were taken away by the police. How do you think that made them feel?”
“How do you think it made me feel?”
It always turned back around to him. He was insinuating it was my fault. He didn’t need to say the words.
“Bailey and Rose were traumatised by that night. It will take time to rebuild a relationship.”
“That’s why I’m here.”
I took a deep breath. How I ever married him was beyond me. I must have been pretty bloody stupid.
Ethan’s feet moved. Heels raised and placed back down again. The muscles in his legs tensed. But his upper body stayed relaxed. “Jasmine has given you her answer.” His voice was calm, light.
“Can I at least give them the gifts?”
“You can leave the gifts here. I will give them to them when I think it’s appropriate,” I said.
“In other words, never.”
“When it’s appropriate.”
Max’s fingers tightened around the teddy’s arm, crushing it. They wouldn’t want his gifts. Rose had her trauma bear who could never be replaced. And Bailey didn’t like fishing.
Ethan stood. “Is there anything else you’d like today, Max?”
Max retrained his face. His jaw relaxed. His eyes calmed. “Other than seeing my children, no.”
Ethan moved closer to me so that our arms were touching, tethering us to each other.
“I’m sorry we can’t make that happen today. I think the best thing to do would be to answer the solicitor’s letter.”
Max glanced between us. Whether he saw a formidable team or something else was unclear.
“OK. I’ll leave these here with you for when you think it’s appropriate.” He placed them on my desk and walked out.
Ethan went to the door and watched him. My legs were shaking as I sat down in Ethan’s chair with a sigh. He’d let me handle Max. Just that alone made me feel capable and strong. Ethan stayed by the door but faced me. I took a breath in and closed my eyes. The strength I’d shown moments ago seeped from my body.
“You did good,” Ethan said.
I opened my eyes and gave him a weary smile. “I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here.”
“I didn’t do anything. You were standing your ground.”
I blew out a breath. “He wasn’t going to give up.”
Ethan smiled. “Neither were you. I only said something because it was obvious it was going nowhere.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
He shrugged. “I didn’t want him to ruin the good vibes in our office.”
I laughed. “The good vibes from a crappy review.”
“You haven’t made it until you receive at least one of those.”
I studied him. “How many crappy reviews have you received?”