Page 68 of Seal of Approval
“Got your bags packed?” I asked Rose as she came into the living area.
She clapped her hands. “Yep. Lily made us matching sleep shirts.”
“Did she just?”
“Wanna see?” She brought her iPad over. Four shirts were on display. Each had their names—Jack, Lily, Bailey and Rose, a sleeping koala and the slogan Sleep Over Crew.
“Do you think she’ll let us wear them to the bonfire?”
“Ask her.”
Rose tapped away on her iPad. She cheered and ran off to see Bailey. I assumed she had gotten the response she wanted. She was back in a flash with Bailey in tow. I wasn’t sure how keen he’d be wearing the shirt to the bonfire. But he wouldn’t protest if Jack wore his.
“Can we go now?” Rose asked.
I shook my head. “Ethan is getting changed.”
“Can’t we just walk to the shop by ourselves?”
I couldn’t let them. Who knew where Max was. He must be due for a visit again. It had been two weeks. Maybe he was here already. Bailey sat on the couch doing a good job of pretending not to be bothered. He knew the answer.
“Ethan won’t be long,” I said. “Is your bed made, Rose? You know Timmy doesn’t like to sleep on a messy bed.”
“Yes. And I made Bailey’s too. Boys are so messy.”
Bailey rolled his eyes. “My side of the room is cleaner than yours.”
“That’s because my side is Timmy’s side too.”
“Because Timmy has so much stuff.” His sarcasm was undeniable.
“He makes it messy.” Rose pouted.
“Mum just said he doesn’t like mess, so why would he make it messy?”
“He just does.”
Nine-year-old logic didn’t make sense. This argument could escalate at any moment. Rose and Bailey glared at each other, locked in silent battle.
“Are we ready, team?” Ethan asked, oblivious to what he had just walked into. When he didn’t get an answer, he glanced between them. He must have summed up what was happening in a millisecond. Without engaging, he headed for the door.
“I’m ready,” I said, following him.
One. Two. Bailey was behind me.
“Wait,” Rose called out. “I forgot to give Timmy a kiss.”
Ethan laughed and waited for her beside the door. As soon as she came out, she grabbed her chair and headed off with Bailey.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take your bags,” I called after them.
Ethan and I walked hand in hand down the road. It wasn’t pretend this time. We weren’t putting on a show. And I liked it. We set our chairs up and sat down. I scanned the area. Was this what it was always going to be like? Would I always be looking for Max in the shadows?
“I’m going to grab a beer. Do you want one?” Ethan asked.
“Yes, please.” As he walked over to Ross and Jay, my gaze strayed to his butt, appreciating how his shorts moved over it. My hands could be doing that later. I bit my lip.