Page 73 of Seal of Approval
Ethan and Jack were on the jetty, heading to the boat.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you go see?”
Bailey put the bucket down and ran to them. They spoke together and Ethan shook his head, looking towards us. Bailey’s shoulders dropped and he trudged back to us. Ethan and Jack unmoored the boat and headed out of the bay.
Bailey picked up the bucket and went back to the castle. Rose studied him. She bit her lip and glanced at me.
“What are Ethan and Jack doing?” I asked.
Bailey shrugged and worked on the castle, not looking at me. “They’re going to the inlet with Jack’s drone.”
I knew from the hurt in his voice that he’d asked to go, and Ethan had said no. Why would he do that? He’d always included Bailey before.
“Maybe they just thought it was better for adults this time.”
Bailey shrugged again.
Rose stood up and wiped her hands on her shorts. “Let’s fill the moat.”
I jumped up and grabbed a bucket. “We’ll have to be quick or else it will all disappear.”
Bailey poured his in and we all ran into the water. I scanned the bay; the boat was on its way out.
* * *
I was chopping vegetables for dinner while the kids relaxed in front of the TV. I’d seen the boat enter the bay a short while ago; Ethan would be home soon.
How was I going to approach what had happened this afternoon with him? He had no obligations to the children. Just because we were living together and having sex didn’t mean that he had to take the children on as his own. And because he’d included Bailey before didn’t mean he had to keep including him.
But his leaving Bailey out had hurt him, and I needed to address that. It may not have been a deliberate thing. I doubted it was. But it would be a sensitive subject especially since he was always fighting to not be like his father and this might trigger Ethan. I didn’t want to hurt him. This was the first time I’d had to address something like this with him. I’d need to go lightly, which was not my strong suit.
But Bailey had to know as well that sometimes Ethan needed time on his own. What he was working towards was important, not just for the sea lions but for his future as well.
I finished chopping the vegetables and put a pot of hot water on. Ethan’s footsteps sounded on the stairs, and his key was in the lock. Rose turned and gave him a smile as he entered. Bailey kept his attention on the TV.
“How was the sandcastle making?” Ethan asked.
Rose twisted in her seat. “Fantastic. It was huge and we made a moat and filled it with water. Timmy was the overlord. He didn’t do any work, just lounged around.”
Ethan chuckled. He glanced at Bailey, who was still ignoring him.
Ethan took his bag to his room and joined me at the kitchen counter. “Need some help?”
“Can you dice an onion for the Bolognese, please?”
Now was the time. I didn’t want to make an issue out of it. I just wanted to understand his reasoning.
I took a deep breath. “Bailey was disappointed not to go out on the boat with you today.”
Ethan looked between me and Bailey. “You were all having such a good time. I didn’t want to interrupt it.”
See, logical explanation. I didn’t know why I was so worried.
“You’re always so busy.” His gaze was steady, holding me. “You don’t get much alone time with the kids.”
My heart filled. That time he’d given us wasn’t just a small token of love, it was a big one filled with consideration. I gave him a side hug, my arms lingering around him. “Thank you.”